Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hello from Jakarta

There's so many things I wanted to write, but as usual, doesn't have enough time and energy! I don't mean to make this blog to be a photo blog with simple one or two words each posting, but this is what I can do at least to keep the memories going and recorded. I still believe it's better than nothing. One day I will still be able to see what has happened and gain the memories back from those photos and tell my son the stories behind the photos. But I'm sure I will be back in writing lots of words one day.

I am now in Jakarta with Evan until early March. We are surely have a great fun. Evan got spoiled with all the attention, toys, train, food, and malls. I got spoiled by doesn't have to cook for the whole 6 weeks, went to salon, meeting old friends, and eat all great Indonesian food.
I need to make the best to not spend too much in the mall, which is quite hard to do!

The only thing I missed the most from Perth is the big boy.... See u in March, dear ! :)

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