Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'm welcoming two important things today:

Welcome to my first nephew, Rafael Tristan Prasodjo, into the world. Cutie Rafa was born today around 4.18pm , weight 2,95kg, height 47 cm. Congratulations to my dearest sister and hubby! May God bless Rafa, may he bring light and happiness in the family.

And welcome to my little boy, as he finally became a member of Indo citz today. Now he is an Indonesian, as well as Australian until he is 18 years old, when he have to choose only one nationality to be hold. This is the photo that we use for his Indo passport :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Skin Pressure

It's been months when I have skin problems. First was my hands, then whole body. It gets worse lately. Rashes, spots, itchiness, dry, sore, crack, you name it all. It started to disturb my sleep. I visited dermatologist a few times, used creams and tablets. The diagnosis was allergy to chemical products. I changed all my soaps. Hand and body soap, reduce the amount of cleaning and washing my hands, and use gloves every time I was dishes. But all no use. Went to another doctor, and the diagnosis the same, but she prescribe me other medication. I guess I'm allergic to something new which I don't know of.

What I hate the most is that when the medication is not successful, the doctor would come to the easiest conclusion. That I might be stress and tense.

Both doctors mentioned stress. I hate that word, I don't think I'm stress, I don't think I'm tense. The other doctor recommend me to have at least 2 hour totally only and for myself - everyday.
Having said that, I just realise that I practically had no time for MYSELF since I gave birth. No time, no maid, new maid, no babysitter, have to cook, and million other excuses. I'm talking about time for myself, like shopping ONLY for MYSELF, massage (last massage was 6 months ago), meni/pedi (last pedi was 14 months ago), Yoga/pilates/swim/gym/painting/jewelery classes, etc. I have no ME TIME for more that a year! Everything (time, energy, love, tender, care, etc) is all for the little boy all day and night 24/7. I'm drained!

Still, I'm not sure if this is the cause of my skin problems.

Still, I don't know how to change my lifestyle, make me have my ME TIME, as we are moving out in 6 weeks! I know I will be super-duperly busy and tense in the next few weeks for our move.

Ah well,... just another series of my life....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

stinky view

Here, in this town, not much grass can be found. As the spring is here and hot weather is starting to fill the air, a vacant land at the back of our apartment is still pretty green. It seemed to be a perfect place for sheeps and goats to munch their yummy food. But lately the owner is not only bring them to eat, buat also to drink, and to be milked! This is the view from my bedroom window. Pictures was 15x zommed. I even can smell them as I live at 4th floor.

Friday, May 15, 2009

little zombie

My little boy can walk!! After hang on to furnitures n hands for quite a while, suddenly he walked without support, just a week after our Cyprus holiday. The way he step his both legs and how he raised both arms to the front, made I and hubby call him a little zombie, but the cute one as he always smile or laugh when he did it. He is now more confident and can't stop walking here and there around the house. Nothing can stop him to walk accross the room, not even a door! Life is definetely more exciting for him. It's fun for me but it drives me nuts sometimes! He started to refuse to sit down properly for eat. So I have to chase him around ! Anyway today we had fun playing hide and seek for the first time. It was funny, it was fun! :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

B'day Boy

I and D' Boyz

Happy birthday to my baby boy! OMG...he is no longer a baby, he is a toddler now! But he will still a baby for me, maybe forever:) Can't believe a whole year has gone by since I gave birth! A lot has happened, in his life and mine, and it has been amazing for all of us.

We were in Cyprus on that day. So not much we can do other than had a big chinese lunch in a fancy chinese restaurant near the old kyrenia harbour. It was pricey but the food was good. Evan had lots of shrimp crackers and had his first birthday fried-noodle. Surprisingly, I found one of the waitress name is Putu, and of course she was a Balinese. I didn't expect to see any indonesian in that island, but I'm happy to finally found Indonesian who doesn't work as a maid. She was nice, looked smart and skilled.

It was late when we finally found a patisserie shop and they only have small cakes, so we bought a few. We used the only round cake for candle and photo. But Evan was so excited so that he smashed the poor little cake:).

we had to hold his hands so he wouldn't smashed the cake again. We were so busy with the b'day boy so didn't realise the candle was the other way around. (;p)

We had his b'day present at home. So the only present he got on that day was from the landlord of the villa we stayed in. It was a card, a pin, and 20 euro money, which then we use it for buying toys in the airport.

On the way back that day, we dropped by to a Church where packed with people. Apparently they were rehearsing for something that night. Not able to light a candle and pray, we ended up with talking with an African priest who then prayed with us for Evan's b'day! How special, heh?! :)

I and hubby look forward to watch him grow and to bring more happiness to our family. May God bless him.

Look at Evan's transformation since he was born!