Sunday, February 15, 2009

True Glue

You won't imagine how many things need to be repaired in my house. Broken scissor’s and knife’s handle, statues, ceramics, cups, clock, hairpins, jewellery, sandal, shoes etc, you name it. Amazingly someone has invented a very special glue, Super Glue! Believe it or not this glue is really helpful. Anything broken, I’ll try to repair them with Super Glue first. Most of the time it will work, the broken items fixed. They will look as good as new, work perfectly as it should, and the best part is I don’t have to throw them away.

Since then, Super Glue became one of the-must-have item in the house. Just like Panadol ! :) I always have Super Glue ready to use in my fridge, of course neatly covered so it won’t contaminate the foods.

I just learned recently that Super Glue not only can amend things in the house, but also can to fix my sore hand! Recently my hand suffered from severe dryness, mostly from the cold and dry winter weather. But also from the water and soap, as I wash my hands and dishes hundred time a day for the bub. At some part it become so bad that my skin will crack and bleed, as if it was cut by a knife. After tried so many cream and moisturiser, Body Butter from The Body Shop is the best to heal the dryness, but not the crack. I was then did a small research on the net, surprisingly few people, including doctor suggest to apply super glue on the crack as it dry quickly and does not sting. I thought it was the most bizarre advise I've ever heard, but I try it anyway. And it works! At least the crack sealed, no more bleeding and sting. Just hope there is no major side effect by this. ;p

Thank you to Dr Coover, who invented this powerly sticky adhesive :)

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