Thursday, March 5, 2009

Almost Walking

Evan, 10 months old

My baby boy is 10 months old now. I looked at his photos when he was still a small baby. Such a different look! His face is not as round and full as before. Yet he still looks sweet-cute little asian boy. He is also very very active, that made me finally give up to do everything by myself and decided to have a full time maid. Means that I'm now have maid who come everyday, works 7 hours a day, except weekends and public holiday. I worried at first, but I'm glad now. She is not the best, but she is quite good. She can do almost everything including cooking, baking, and sewing. And most important is that she listen to what I said and get along well with Evan. However I haven't have a heart to leave Evan with her alone yet.

As usual, here is the update news about what has happened in the 9th months age.
Nine months was the time to change a few things, again. It was the time for doctor check up and another boost of Hep B vaccination. He was 10,5kg, 77 cm. Couldn't believe he only gain 1 kg in 3 months. But doctor said it's normal considering he is more active and release more energy.

He got better in cruising along the floor. I could say he mastered standing-up-with-support last month. He learned to bend his knee to go back down after standing up. He got to stand up and browse tables, curious and touch everything on the table. A clock and a frame broke from this new habit. He started to stand without support in the cot only for a few second, and started to move his legs high when I try to hold him to walk. His hand, feet and body are getting stronger so that he could push chairs and tables when he kneel or walk. We started to get busy watching him so he didn't fall to the hard floor. Though he bumped his head couple times on the floor or wood furniture and had bruises (ouch!).

He started to like books more. He could flip the book's pages and busy with them for a couple minutes (only). :)

The highlight for last month was the change of routine and diet as doctor said he is ready to eat more solid food like rice, chicken, and meat. Oh dear,.. that was hard. There was a trial and error to make porridge that he likes. It takes about 3 weeks until I finally found the right way.
He didn't look impressed at first, but then gradually he get used to new food. But it quite hard to feed him in the high chair. He just didn't like to get trap in the chair. I gave him variation of vegetable, meat and chicken, plus variation snack like cheerio, biscuits, boiled pasta/carrot/broccoli, steamed fruits, and bread. He started to eat french fries to sometimes when we eat out. He could eat finger food by himself and enjoyed them. I don't - it's soooo messy! ;0

We also change the way he drink milk, so that since then he always had milk before bed, which make my life easier. He would easily finish the milk and fall asleep. Though he still need a doze of milk in the middle of the night to make him go through the night.

So here is his schedule started last month

7am = wake up, bottle
8.30 = breakfast: cereal &fruit
9am = bath
10am = bottle
10.15 = morning nap
12pm = lunch : porridge
02.30 = bottle
3pm = afternoon nap
4.30 = dinner : porridge
05.30 = bath, then play and read book
6.30 = bottle
7 pm = sleep
3 am = bottle

Other than that, here are some new habits and skills I acknowledge :

- he shrank his eyes, making his eyes looked more chinese when he smile.
- when have bottle before bed, I'll hold him on my lap, and he'll hold the bottle with his right hand, and the other hand will scratch his un-itchy head.
- started new routines before going to bed at night: 4B (Bath, Book, Bottle, Bed)
- No more interested in Danny & Daddy tv show. Watch Barney sometimes. Looked interested in quick changing moving pictures like ad on TV.
- Song he like: The Wheel on The Bus, Incy Wincy Spider, Balonku, and Naik2 Ke Puncak Gunung.
- His favorite book is Barney is Big and Busy Book: In the Garden.

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