Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kaki Ayam Buat Si Kecil

Pernah makan kaki ayam alias ceker? Gue belom. Kalo liat orang makan ceker merah dimsum sih kayaknya sih enak ya. Kalo dipikir-pikir, kasian juga itu ayam, dari ujung kepala sampe ujung kaki di dayagunakan manusia. Tapi ga semua manusia mendayagunakan ayam sesadis itu. Cuma orang Asia kebanyakan, terutama orang Indo dan cina. :) Di dunia Barat dan Timur Tengah makan kepala n kaki ayam termasuk gak umum.

Sehubungan dengan si raja kecil yang gak lama lagi bakal belajar jalan, gue dapet info dari para tetua terutama my mum kalo si raja kecil HARUS makan kuah/sop ceker. Katanya sih supaya kakinya kuat dan bisa cepet jalan. Gue sih setuju ajah kalo emang buat kebaikan. Tapi daddynya si raja kecil ketawa gede banget waktu gue kasih tau. Soalnya gak ada di kamus nya makan kaki ayam, apalagi buat bayi. Tapi dia juga setuju aja kalo emang baik tujuannya hehehe... Masalahnya, dimana cari ceker di dunia antah berantah sini?!

Untung gue punya banyak teman yang baik hati. Tanya sini, tanya sana, akhirnya ada juga yang punya kenalan tukang jagal ayam di pasar. :) Seplastik isi kurang lebih 20 ceker akhirnya nyampe juga di rumah kemarin. Geli juga liat ceker putih mentah banyak begitu. Tapi yang gak kalah heboh kok malah suami gue. Dengan semangat empat lima dia susun beberapa kaki di piring terus ngotot mau berfotoan sama sepiring ceker mentah. Ck ck ck...ternyata bul-bul ada yang norak juga ya :D

Sunday, February 15, 2009

True Glue

You won't imagine how many things need to be repaired in my house. Broken scissor’s and knife’s handle, statues, ceramics, cups, clock, hairpins, jewellery, sandal, shoes etc, you name it. Amazingly someone has invented a very special glue, Super Glue! Believe it or not this glue is really helpful. Anything broken, I’ll try to repair them with Super Glue first. Most of the time it will work, the broken items fixed. They will look as good as new, work perfectly as it should, and the best part is I don’t have to throw them away.

Since then, Super Glue became one of the-must-have item in the house. Just like Panadol ! :) I always have Super Glue ready to use in my fridge, of course neatly covered so it won’t contaminate the foods.

I just learned recently that Super Glue not only can amend things in the house, but also can to fix my sore hand! Recently my hand suffered from severe dryness, mostly from the cold and dry winter weather. But also from the water and soap, as I wash my hands and dishes hundred time a day for the bub. At some part it become so bad that my skin will crack and bleed, as if it was cut by a knife. After tried so many cream and moisturiser, Body Butter from The Body Shop is the best to heal the dryness, but not the crack. I was then did a small research on the net, surprisingly few people, including doctor suggest to apply super glue on the crack as it dry quickly and does not sting. I thought it was the most bizarre advise I've ever heard, but I try it anyway. And it works! At least the crack sealed, no more bleeding and sting. Just hope there is no major side effect by this. ;p

Thank you to Dr Coover, who invented this powerly sticky adhesive :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dad's Birthday Today

Today is my dad's birthday. I and the boys here celebrate it by enjoying my Mie Goreng Special Ulang Tahun for lunch. It taste better than fried noodle we bought from a noodle restaurant in town. :)

Happy birthday, Dad! I pray that God grant him health and happiness. Wish I were there and celebrate it together with family.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


It took almost a year to finish The Witch Of Portobello. Whilst it was the busiest year i've ever had with the pregnancy, the birth, and the baby, reading was not so entertaining and relaxing. But it might also the book itself that I found almost have the same rhytym as any other Coelho's books, that bored me a bit. Thought I need a change.

Books I recently read, written by a new author, Khaled Hosseini. Kite Runner, I read it in 1,5 week. I would have not be able to put down the book and read the whole in one day if I was not too busy and tired. It was the first book that brought me to tears. After finishing the book, I couldn't wait to see the movie. The movie was disappointing, i guess the same as many other movies version from a novel. Many details were missing, story got changed, and the people are different than I pictured. Done nothing but destroying my imagination.

Then I didn't wait to read Hosseini's second novel, A Thousand Of Splendid Sun. I finish it in about 2 weeks. It was such a powerful story that brought me to emotional distress! :) Made me realise how fortunate I am to be what I am, what I become, what I have now as a women.

Both books were written in very detail. They have words full of quotes, written in uncomplicated way. Each pages dragged me to enter different world, as if watching a movie in the cinema. I don't remember when was the last time I went to the cinema. It was really ages ago. But if it was a really good movie, my seat in the dark little cinema will be a place to go into different world, place to forget about everything in your life, and when the movie finished and the light back on, bam! disoriented, then reminds me to be back to the reality. That's how I feel when reading his entertaining though heartbreaking books.