Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Blues

Not sure if I have a mild postnatal blues. But it's hard. Especially this week when Hubby back to work and I'm home only with Evan and a maid (sometimes) with really, no improvement in recovering from c-sec. Moreover i gained more pain here and there as part of the postnatal reaction. Started to get frustrated and tired, and feel like wanting everything back normal as before. I read about symptoms of postnatal depression, and realised that I actually has at least 5 symptoms out of 9 from the list. Feeling down, 'miserable' and tearful for no apparent reason, unable to enjoy new life and myself, Irritable and have no energy, and feelings tired, worthless and hopeless.

It's not the baby. Evan is a good and healthy baby. He broke my heart and always made me smile with all of his funny face expressions. It's me, my own health and condition may made me feel like that. Little bit worrying....but I am now OK and sane enough (*grin*). Just need to get better and pain free.

It's hard to be a mum! It's all I can say!


cendee said...

sabar yak..bentar lagi kan mami dateng menyelamatkan..hehehehe..iin ama papi d ber2 doang di rumah..

Anonymous said...


banyak sabaar yah say, hope u feel better soon..
btw, si Evan lucuuu bangeeeet,gemes pingin cubit d..hehe
