Monday, April 7, 2008

Shocking Hair

I wasn't sure what get into me that day, I walked down to my usual salon, and asked for hair cut. The hair dresser asked how do I want my hair done. "I would like to cut my hair short this time" slipped out from my mouth. I went to the same salon few times and the hair dresser knows that I want to have short hair but he said to do it bit by bit so it won't be too drastic. But yesterday he said, "ok, this might be a good time!" Hah...

So here I am, having short hair, again. Rather shocking, since I had long hair for more than 6 years with almost same model. More shocking for Hubby, but he don't mind. :) With my weight now, think I look more chubby with short hair. But it feel lighter on my head, doesn't need lots of maintenance, and simple. So it should be more practical with the junior coming. However, I still have to get used to look at myself with this kind of hair in the mirror. Kinda weird!
Here the latest pic, taken in the nursery. ;p


The Kasims family said...

Bonen, bagus kok haircutnya, keliatan fresh and young... :)
All the best on your baby delivery ya... GBU !! xoxo, Olin & fam

Nencee said...

Thanks Lin :)
Can't wait nih. U take care and GBU juga.