Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back Home

The day has finally come, and we finally made it home yesterday after 2 days stay in the hospital. Our little bundle of joy, Evan Ellis Richards was born on schedule, 12 April 2008, at 9.20 am. He weight 3.987kg, 55 cm tall. He is a healthy and big baby.

We are now at home with the new precious member in the family. Would be helpful if we could have someone to help us around, but at the moment, it's only 3 of us. Luckily Hubby can have leave from work for 2 weeks. He's been very very helpful, patient, and understanding, while I am still suffering from the pain of the c-sec's wound, tiredness, headace, and engorged breasts problem. Can't ask for more!

We are now have to face the sleepless nights and days, have fun changing dirty nappies, get surprise 'spray' few times, and learn the baby's pattern and habits, etc.

I would love to update and tell about all the fun we have with little Evan, but I can't promise if I can post as often as before. For now, i’ll just end this entry with pictures of him from first and second day we were at the hospital.


Anonymous said...

wah selamat yaaa... cakep bener anaknya.. yah met begadang2 d..jaga kesehatan, suplement banyakin..but still a fun to play with him even when you are exhausted.. :) -bams-

Anonymous said...


wah, si Evan cakeep amaat..pengennn cubit pipinya nih, hehe-tar deh kapan2 kalo ketemuuu...moga2 lu cepet pulih yah..Take care
