Monday, August 27, 2007

Long Live Indomie

Look what I found on Damascus trip!
An old bike parked on the side of the Straight Street at the Old Market, with Indomie box on its basket!

Big billboard of... Indomie! Not sure name of the street and location. Captured this from taxi on the way to Soukh Al-Hamidieh

Can't get away from it.... bump into this truck on the highway (still in Syria) on the way back to Amman.

I know it was just only Indomie. But this product is amazing. Save me lot of time from hunger (*grin*). Easy and taste good, everybody loves it, even my hubby. And more amazingly its available everywhere! well at least it's in every countries I've been to so far. Even in this area where hard to find Indonesian products and food. Hope to travel to other countries and will take picture anytime I see Indomie in different countries :) That's my plan. :D

Curious if I have some Indomie at home? Of course I have. Here is the picture (only) few packs of Indomie I bought here, in Amman, Jordan.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Back In Town

I've done Damascus, and now back in town. It was an interesting and relaxing trip. Just wished the temperature was more friendly. I think my skin is doubled darker now, not tan. I can't be tan. Just simply become darker :(. Stories and photos of the trip will be posted later. Have other things in mind at the moment and not feeling too well, as well as hubby. Think we caught up Syrian bugs. Hope won't be too bad.....

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Out of Town

image hosting

Oh,.. and Happy Independence day, Indonesia! I had an interesting day today watching lots of Indonesian (and locals) played traditional independence day games, dangdut music and dance (of course), and enjoyed Indonesian food at the celebration hosted by Indonesian Embassy. ;p

Monday, August 13, 2007

Shocking Result

Your Emoticon is Shocked

Just seen the most shocking result ever.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Another Transformation

Found this when I browse YouTube last night. I tought it's lovely and quite amazing.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Time to be a real narcissist. :D

After a few days digging to all my pictures collection, i found it easy to find my childhood's and current's, but hard to find the 80's and 90's. And here they are, some of them I could get from each decades of my life. Reminded me to how old I really am (*sigh*)...

So, how do I transformed? Do I look so innocent in the 70's? Do I still look innocent now? :D

Let's Go To Pup!

One of the thing I found in west part of the city. I thought I'll share. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Harpot Mania

Everyone is talking about the latest Harry Potter book lately. But here I am, just finished the previous edition (6th), The Half-Blood Prince last night (*grin*). I know,... I'm soo sooo late. But better late than never (*grin*). I bought the book long time ago (of course) and read it as soon as I bought it, but I dropped it after only a few pages. For some reason I didn't find it appealing at that time, and I read other books instead. Besides, it needs lot of effort to read it in bed (the only place and time I could find convenient to read), as the book is quite thick, big, and heavy. So I just left it behind until few days ago I started to read and finish it. I knew I would read it eventually.

Not because it's a must. But I always (try to) read all the books I bought, eventhough it means few years later. I just looooove to buy books but hardly find time to read, especially in old days. I am expecting to read more now. You know... as I am not as 'busy' as before.

The other reason is, this is Harry Potter ! I read the first released book in 1997. I just realised that it was 10 years ago! I was in my twenties.... (ooops). I liked it as soon as I read it and continued to read the next released book with excitement. The story started when Harry turned 11 years old and he was almost turned 17 in the 6th edition. Also, look at the movie. The cute little boy with glasses has turned into young handsome teenager. And see how old I am now (oops oops), and I'm still reading it. Not only me, but all of Harry Potter's readers has grown too. It's not not only about Harry Potter, but I also about grew up with him. Amazing feeling, I thought! But I impressed with the author the most! If only I can write and be like her.... (*day dreaming*)

Back to the 6th edition, it was very 'dark', still magical, and Potter and friends still playing 'trio detectives'. The funniest was when Ron got poisoned by love potion :D. The sweetest was that love was hanging in the air. But the unexpected death of Dumbledore is the saddest, darkest, and most shocking thing. (I know.... I'm so so late to know about this ;p).
I wonder how is Hogwart without Dumbledore, and whether Harry can really kill You-Know-Who, and if he would get back together with Ginny. You who has read the latest book,... better keep quiet. I'm not accepting spoiler. I'm gonna read it (not very) soon,... as soon as I get the soft copy. ;p

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nationality Confusion

On one hot day:

me : salamualaikum
taxi driver : .... mumbled
me : ila Mecca Mall (to Mecca Mall)
taxi driver : ok
taxi driver : (mumbled in arabic)
me : la arabic (no arabic)
taxi driver : where are you from?
me : not answering
taxi driver : from Japan ?
me : no

Another day in a cafe

me : can I have grilled chicken caesar salad and orange juice, please
waitress : sure, ok. Anything else ?
me : No, thanks
waitress : Are you from Japan?
me : no

On one fine day in a salon

me : I want to have my hair wash and blow dry.
man A : of course, come and have your hair wash here (then he started to wash my hair)
man B : (sitting on the sofa near me), where are you from ?
me : Australia.
man B : (smile, looked puzzled)
me : but I'm originally from Indonesia, Jakarta. You know?
man B : Ooooh,....I know Indonesia. I thought you from Japan.
me : (smile, sighed)

Another day in another taxi

taxi driver : where from ? china?
me : no
taxi driver : philipine ?
me : no
taxi driver : Japan ?
me : no

I don't understand...

Tell me, do I really look like Japanese?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Inget Kampung

Kemarin, tiba-tiba saya pengen nonton Harry Potter. Setelah ngeluarin segala bujuk rayu, akhirnya si hubby mau juga nemenin. Tapi bisa-bisanya kita keabisan tiket, padahal kita datang 1/2 jam sebelum film dimulai. Emang sih disini film ini baru keluar. Masih fresh dan rame, terutama kemarin yang notabene malem sebelum weekend. Ngomong-ngomong tentang keabisan tiket, kapan ya terakhir saya nonton keabisan tiket? Nggak inget. Mungkin juga karena kita gak terlalu sering nonton, tapi juga karena sebelum ini kita tinggal di Darwin, gak ada acara macet dan gak pake acara ngantri di bioskop. Mau film paling top, paling rame, ato paling heboh, kita bisa pegi dari rumah 10 menit sebelumnya, dan nggak pernah keabisan tiket ato dapet tempat duduk yang gak enak. Enak banget :)

Karena gak jadi nonton, jalan-jalan lah kita. Ketika mulai lapar, kita mutusin buat nyoba satu restoran asia yang katanya 'enak'. Setelah nyoba makan makanan asia di 4 tempat, sebenarnya saya sudah mau menyerah buat makan makanan asia di negeri ini. Selain gak autentik, juga rasanya biasa aja. Tapi karena rekomendasi teman-teman, akhirnya saya n hubby mencoba restoran Noodle House.

Aneh tapi nyata, saya hampir gak percaya sama pendengaran saya saat masuk dan memilih tempat duduk. Tapi benar! saya benar-benar mendengar lagu Yang Terbaik Bagimu-nya Ada Band! Lalu disusul lagunya Letto (lupa judul), lalu Satu-nya Dewa... dan seterusnya. Aaah.. jadi kangen Jakarta. Eerm...mungkin buat orang lain biasa aja. Tapi buat saya yang tinggal di negara orang, yang jauh dari peradaban Indonesia, rasanya benar-benar aneh dan surprise bisa mendengarkan lagu-lagu yang biasa saya dengar di Jakarta, dengan bahasa indonesia, di tempat umum di suatu restoran di kota ini. Senyum pun mengembang (*grin*).

Senyum semakin gede setelah melihat apa yang tersaji di meja.... pot-pot sambal! termasuk salah satunya cabe ijo kegemaran saya! Jadi saya bisa bebas ngambil sambal semaunya. yay! Catatan: Ini pertama kali saya liat ada sambal nangkring di atas meja restoran. Makanannya pun ternyata gak mengecewakan,..seenggak-enggaknya jauh lebih baik dari pada restoran asia lain yang pernah saya coba.

Kesana lagi? Pastinya!