Friday, November 17, 2006

Forever Young

Ouch, I'm getting 1 year older today! What's wrong with getting older? hmmm.... actually, it scared me a bit.

Same as many other people, I wish I could be 'forever' young! :) Life seems much easier when we were young. No need to worry about anything. Only worry about studies, and the rest is about fun, fun, and fun :)

I just recently noticed that I can easily get along well with people under my age. Some people did not believe if I am that old. I wonder if it was that because acted like twenty?? Or because don't look like mature enough? Was that because the way I dressed? But.... It doesn't matter if I acted as a child or adult.

I am who I am.
Be a good wife, good employee, good daughter to my parents and in-laws, good sisters, and good person to friends and everyone surround me. Enjoy life, Love, Laugh, be Happy, be Healthy, Pray and Praise.

It's been a wonderful life, i'm grateful for what I am and what I have.
I just simply want to be a better human....

Notes: Today I was still quite sick. Off from work, stay at home all day, did not do anything much. It was pelting down this morning, the first heavy rain in the wet season. Was such a gloomy, cloudy, and cool day. Perfect day for a b'day 'sick' princie. :)
Anyway, I felt better in the evening, and Andrew took me to a Thailicious for dinner. It was such a lovely place. We sat on the mat and cushions, surrounded by Thai's ornaments and statues. The food was also not disappointing at all. All good, including the price. We definitely will go back there :)

Thank you for the birthday wishes (and presents), everyone :)


Anonymous said...

You are as young as you feel, sayang. I hope your first Birthday in NT was a good one. You are cool, babe. Don't change.

constant change said...

Hee hee.. I started telling people that I have a great plastic surgeon everytime people went "no way - you are that age" :)

You do look really young, tho :)