Friday, January 14, 2011

Doggie, woof, home

"Doggie, woof woof.... go home...."
That's what he said.
I think that's what he was trying to say is Dog, woof woof, let's go home with me :)


Anonymous said...

gw baru ada 5 puppies nih
mau? mau? mau?

Nencee said...

gak mau... ngurus anak satu aja ribet, apalagi ditambahin puppy :) :) thanks. btw, ini sapa ya ??

Anonymous said...

gw bon
blog gw lupa password

Nencee said...

OOh.. elu Dince! bikin blog baru aja kali hehehehe...
Btw, thanks for visiting my blog yak! :) :)

Anonymous said...

halah yg lama aja gak update