Monday, January 31, 2011

happy boy happy opa

31012011 - happy boy happy opa, originally uploaded by nencee.

Hair cut for a big boy

It's really really time for Evan to have another hair cut, especially here in Jakarta. So I took him to a kids salon to find a big surprise that he wanted to sit in a special seat that looks like a car. His eyes immediately caught to thomas and friends movie in front of him. No struggle, no complain, no tears! :) :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lion Dance

First place to visit. My use to be 2nd home. Taman Anggrek Mall. :) :)

Friday, January 28, 2011


Arrived Jakarta, finally !!
We were welcomed by rain and traffic. :) :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My lovely boys

It's Australia Day today, means public holiday, means Hubby is home. Nothing more refreshing than having a family day in the middle of the week. We had a splash again in the paddle pool, the boys had a great fun.
I and Evan is heading to JTown tomorrow night, we certainly gonna miss the big boy :(

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blue Red White

Eye still hurt. Apparently I have two boils in one eye. Yeeiiks ! horrible horrible :(
Anyway tomorrow is Australia Day. Everything about Australia is now in stores. I wish I could take a better pictures for today, but I don't have good vision. So anything will do for today, again.

Monday, January 24, 2011

In Pain

had to visit a GP today for painful pimple in my eye. Not in a good mood in taking fancy photos :( I was pretty in pain.

So here is a toy in the children corner where Evan played and waited until my turn to see the doctor.

Too bad that I couldn't enjoy the nice weather in the last 3 days. :(


As I remember myself as a young - single girl, I was such an adventurous girl who didn't have fear of anything. I did not have worry about almost anything. It's funny to realise that now is a drama queen if related with "worrying about something".

I think it all started since I had a child. The feeling of being responsible to your own child and his well being has extraordinary impact in my life. I became a worrier person that I've ever been. Living overseas without close friends and family doesn't help. Worry and tense is my brain's daily intake (poor brain). I'm tired, but can't help it.

Now only about four days until I fly only with the little boy to Jtown. Do not mention all the stress I got from this coming trip. It started a month before, almost ruin our new year celebration. Now I got horrible-painful pimple in my eye, seems everything goes against me.

I need to relax, but really really don't know how :(

Sunday, January 23, 2011

wet sunday morning

It was raining all night and we woke up with cool breeze, overcast clouds hanging on top of our head, and wet smell of the grass. Unfortunate I am in pain from a damn pimple in my eye. Three of us went out and inspected the garden, this in one of the thing I found. Happy Sunday, everyone :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fresh in bunnings

It's Saturday. Three of us made a little visit to Bunnings to shop few things for our garden. I thought showing some fresh flowers would freshened up your day too :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

fine day

Just another normal day today. I took the little boy out to the park, but he didn't want to play in the playground. So we just walked around the pond. The boy happily jumped, ran, pointed into something, and sang. We sat down for a while to watch bunch of ducks quacking and swimming. Bliss....

On the way home we bumped into a neighbour and had the weirdest conversation i've ever had.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


It's only a week more to go before our Jtown trip. I started to put things in the suitcase and bags. As you all know, so many things to think and bring if travel with little kiddo. ARGH !!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

play date

Had a friend who lives nearby visited us today with her 2 kids. Filled our tummy with sausages, spring rolls, sweets, and ice cream. The mums had a lot fun chatting about life in general and gardening and kids. Young boys were happily playing together, and the teen girl busy ipod-ing and watched a movie. At the end of the day I was totally exhausted, but happy.

I wish for more play dates in the future. I need to work on that after I get back from Jtown trip. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

shopping day

Try to get ready for Jakarta trip. Today I managed to do some oleh-oleh shopping. So many thing have to be done today, too many choices, and it was not helping if I did it in a rush !

Monday, January 17, 2011

Noisy parrots

Evan didn't seem to go home after short visit to the chemist today, so we went to the park nearby. We were welcomed by loud annoying sound that almost sound like a broken machine. After a while we found the source. That was the sound of two parrots chatting away !

Sunday, January 16, 2011

meet the spider

It's 37 degree outside and I spent 2,5 hours in the kitchen with burning stove. Hot Hot Hot ! A blast of Coke and Ice Cream after cooking has made my day.

The aussies called this Spider :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

blocks to build and ruin

It's saturday and hubby still in Hunter Valley.
We both had a sleep in. I woke up at 9.30! and Evan at 10am. We then spent the whole day playing and eating. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

run away boy !

We almost run out milk, so out we went to the shopping centre. And here the little boy running around so fast that I had to shout his name so loud to make him stop and waited for me.

Doggie, woof, home

"Doggie, woof woof.... go home...."
That's what he said.
I think that's what he was trying to say is Dog, woof woof, let's go home with me :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Spinning around. So does my head.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

play all day

Evan didn't have nap again today.... it's been more than a week now. It may be almost the end of the nap era for him... (*sigh*)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Do you believe that it can be so damn complicated to apply for a Child Passport in this country???? !!!!!

Lyric of the day

Calm down and take a deep breath that's what I really need now.
Listen to this song is miraculously makes me a little bit better.


Calm down
Deep breaths
And get yourself dressed instead
Of running around
And pulling all your threads and
Breaking yourself up

If it's a broken part, replace it
If it’s a broken arm then brace it
If it's a broken heart then face it

And hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way

And everything will be fine

Hang on
Help is on the way
Stay strong
I'm doing everything

Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way

And everything
Everything will be fine

Are the details in the fabric
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling?

Are the things that make you blow
Hell, no reason, go on and scream
If you're shocked it's just the fault
Of faulty manufacturing.

Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all

Hold your own
And know your name
Go your own way

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own)
Are the things that make you panic (Know your name)
Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)

Hold your own
Know your name
Go your own way.

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own)
Are the things that make you panic (Know your name)
Is it Mother Nature's sewing machine? (Go your own way)
Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own)
Hell no reason go on and scream (Know your name)
If you’re shocked it's just the fault (Go your own way)
Of faulty manufacturing

Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hearts will hold

(Details in Fabric - by Jason Mraz )

Monday, January 10, 2011

Evan's lunch

Ham, lettuce, and tomato sauce. And grapes as dessert.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


09012011 - chilli bloom, originally uploaded by nencee.

Heard Indonesia has a chilli crisis, that the price become so expensive that people has to be charged to get chilli sauce in a restaurant. Maybe it's time for planting their own chilli at home, like me. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Good Time

08012011 - snack and new emily, originally uploaded by nencee.

Hubby is on the way to Hunter Valley when I took this picture. I and Evan had a great time in the mall buying new toys and had coffee and snack at the coffee shop. And it was the first cafe experience for Evan, and he likes his babychino :)

Friday, January 7, 2011


Stay indoor today. Evan have day off school. So the house is of course messy.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Post Office

06012011 - Post Office, originally uploaded by nencee.

Had all troubles with the Post Office today. Not their fault, but still upsetting. And of course it still related to the passport process. Arrrghhh...!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

rainy summer day

Today is still about passport. Running here and there just to fullfill all everybody needs. And today I do everything with the little boy, and it was raining after long hot summer weeks. The weather is nice and cooler than yesterday, but I don't bother. I don't have a good mood ....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

all about passport

It's been going on for a week, and today I had to go to the PO and get a fill in a new form. I wonder when this gonna end.

Monday, January 3, 2011

summer time = beach time

managed to take our but off to water this time. Perfect weather and water temperature for playing in the beach that morning. Everyone happy and exhausted after that :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

365 Days Project

My new project this year....

Another one who needs determination and consistency. So I hope I can make it to the end.

I will make a visual history of my life by taking photos everyday for the whole year!

thanks to lil' sister who introduced me to this project (!^@#@&@$*@*!!!)
I think I'm more enthusiastic than her now!

By doing this I hope it will bring lots of positive mind and results. That I will have more understanding on what is important in my life, I have motivation to make my day more colourful and useful, that I can appreciate the simple, everyday things that make life beautiful, and to make me a better photographer too :)

Feels free to check out my DAILY PHOTOS and leave some comments :)

sunset sky

The breath taking sky view taken from our backyard. It was almost sunset, the weather crisp, the wind breezed nicely. Just a perfect afternoon.

Recap 2010

Accomplishment and the highlight of year 2010 :

i started crafting again. Learned crochet, made a little amigurumi, and determine to finish the blanket. Still working on it, slowly but surely.

Started watch more movies and read book.
Watched a lot of movies on dvds and sbs tv channel.
Read one book (only!)

has survived all seasons in Perth.
Despite of the bugs for months in winter,
we were officially lived in our new house for one year last october,
and still alive.

Did not travel this year.
Instead, hosted lots of guests since april. Parents, parents in law, liam, sister, and a friend.

Has joined a multicultural women's group and gained bit of more knowledge eventhough i rarey attend the meeting

had finally meet indonesian people live in the neigbourhood. They are many of them!

started to make time just for the two of us. Me and Hubby.
It was just started since November. Hope to become a monthly routine.

Evan started childcare.
Despite all the bugs he gets from the childcare, he also gets a lot of improvement in any skills which I am happy about.

I posted 12 more blogs in 2010 than in 2009

Blessed 2011

It's a new year again.
as usual, i don't have any resolution.

But I have a lot of wishes

that life is going to be easier
that i will have some time for myself
that i can be more creative
that i can make some dollars
that i can make friends
that everybody in the family are well, healthy, and happy
that i can be a better wife and mum

may all of my wishes for this year come true

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year Celebration

As I started this daily photo blog, unfortunately I do not have picture taken on the 1/1/11. I've just introduced to this project on the second day of 2011. So I had to use this picture, that was taken on the 31/12/2010 at 9pm. We missed the midnight fireworks as the time didn't suit the little boy.

This is the New Year Eve Fire works in Mandurah foreshore. First firework for the little boy. He was excited, but not so impressed. We got exhausted after got home and had an early night that night. So we were all missed the midnight cheer and kisses!! Ah well.....