Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Purple Dino Mania

It seems just like yesterday when i concerned that evan didn't pay attention to any tv shows. He was never able to sit down quietly watching tv even though kids shows is on almost all day. Whilst other mums might struggle to take away their children from tv, i was desperately want evan to watch tv so at least i can do my chores in peace.

But things change. in the last few weeks he starting to pay a little bit attention on tv. I'm not sure how it started, but now he definetely a Barney fan! He doesnt want to watch any other shows than Barney n friends. Not only that, he only likes 3 dvds out of 8 barney dvds i have. What a picky watcher!

He might still running around and play during the show, not always look at tv and sit down. but he's getting more alert on what he sees and hear. At least he can sit or stand still looking at tv screen more than 2 second :)
He seems only like certain songs and actions. His favorite is The Wheels On The Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Marching Ants, and I Love You. He would copy what Barney and the kids do when they sing those songs.

What i love the most is everytime he hears 'I Love You' song at the end of each episode, he would stop whatever he's doing and run to hug and kiss me or his dad. So i usually get 6 (x2 - since the song has two verses) hugs and kisses a day, as that how many shows he watch each day. He kept asking me to play dvd again and again and again. :)

In the last couple days, first thing he do after get out of his room in the morning is running to tv and ask me to play Barney! Same episode will be played around 6 times a day. My head is full of Barney. His songs cought up in my head till i dream of them.

Now i dont know if i should be laugh or mad. :) i guess it' s not harm to play it over and over again. It may harm the CDs. It started to make broken pictures and i had to clean it. barney also teaches lots of good things and the songs a cheerful and singable. May be good for Evan, and make my life a liiiiiitle bit easier at home. we'll see how long he can stand Barney. I have enough though.... (*sigh*)

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