Thursday, March 5, 2009

Something to play with

Just an update of new toys I recently crazy about

* Canon EOS 450D - I finally bought it. But it's not on my hand yet, coz I didn't buy it here. The price here is ridiculously expensive (3x more expensive). So I asked Dad to buy it for me, and i'll pick it up later, in Jakarta, hopefully soon, as planned. Can't wait to play with it.

* -Love this. I've been trying to make the real scrapbook for four years and have no result. It need lots of time, material, and equipment. But with this digital scrapbook, at least I can finally start to make one.

* - a digital version of Kompas newspaper. Now I can read Kompas newspaper without even subscribe it, whenever, wherever I am! It's free, easy to use, and fast. They upload new issue exactly at 00:00 WIB so I practically can read it first (it's 5 hours ahead than Jakarta, here) while people in Indo still sleeping and will get and read the real issues in the morning-their time. You can even read issues from days before! Impressive!

* - of course, same as thousand other people in the world. It's amazing on how it could drag my memory into my life 20 years ago, how I could meet lots of old friends. I enjoyed looking at friend's photos and their status, as well as changing my own status and make comments on other's. I even quite addicted to one of the virtual e-game they have. It's sooo bad so that facebook is the first site I visited everyday and everytime I go online. But I know I'm not alone :) Wonder how long this Fb-euphoria would last.


Anonymous said...

canon EOS 450D...hmmm..apa kelebihannya dibanding yg lain seh..?? -bams-

Nencee said...

gak ngerti juga deh gue kalo dibandingin sama yang lain. Tapi gue suka merk canon, terus gue liat hasil jepretan orang2 pake kamera ini ok2 banget, n katanya cukup gampang buat pemula.