Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In the last few weeks

- my dear mum finally made it here!

- have enjoying mum's companion at home,

- being spoiled by home made food made by mum,

- was busy cathing up news and gossips from home town,

- even though has not 100% back to normal, but has 'very' slowly get better from the operation and all post maternity problems,

- had finally back on the street, drive and mobile again,

- had finally walk outside the house,

- had been busy showing everything to mum,

- had been crushing around the town and malls,

- had been shopping shopping shopping - revenge from just being at home for more than five weeks.

- excited, enjoyed, concerned, worried all at once for Evan's development and changes

- had first long trip with the bub, and finally seen the New Wonder of The World, Petra! (complete story and photos about the trip will be posted later)

- and had finally had the 'new' family picture taken ;0

Three of us

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