Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Shot

I'm 2 months old now!
I went to Jerash yesterday. Although it was a very hot day, and I stroll around in my stroller on bumpy stony streets, mum, dad, and Oma took a good care of me so I feel comfortable, didn't get too much sun and still have a nice breeze coming to my seat. I slept the whole walk through. I felt pretty thirsty and hungry just in time when we were about to reach a restaurant. I had a feed there and few pictures with mum. Do I look good in red or what?! :)

I had my first immunisation today. Wasn't pleasant at all as I had 2 shots! I could handle the first one, but I scream very loud on the second shot. The loudest scream I've ever made (*grin*) Mum and Oma then gave me a bit of liquid that taste different today. It taste sweet. They said it's a syrup for making me not having temperature from the shot.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Wonder From The Past

After more than 1 year living in this country, last weekend we finally went to Petra, 3 hours drive from Amman. That was our first long trip with Evan. Travel out of town with bub was a challenge. Our luggage was massive for only to stay for 2 nights as we brought everything for him. From powder to nappies, from milk to steriliser and thermos.

Evan is still too small for exploring Petra, so we take turn to go to the site. Someone should stay at the hotel with Evan, and therefore we can not explore the site too long.

Petra itself is huge! It takes more than 3 days if you want to see everything in details. I and mum managed to walk only to the amphitheater, which was not even the half way, whilst Hubby able to walk further to the Monastery.

As we thought we have taken everything with us, we forgot to bring little single thing: camera charger. Found out later that it was a big mistake! Even though we had more than 300 photos, we still missed so many things, especially the walk from Amphitheater to the Monastery. That's the only downsize of this trip.

I may not explore the whole Petra, may not walk up to the Monastery, may not satisfied with the photos, but I can say I've been to Petra ;p I've seen the great Treasury and gone through the long walk, the walk I didn't image I can do considering my c-sec wound still hurting (Yes, still!! :( .... ). I've experience the atmosphere, the place, surrounding, and the locals, which were all amazing. We might not be able to reach Petra if my mum wasn't here. So thanks to mum :). She's enjoying the walk and scenery too, of course. At the end everybody's tired but happy. :)

Check out more photos here

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Since Then

I stroll around the complex in my stroller, just to have fresh air in the evening,
and for mum and dad and oma to shop in local minimarket and vegetable shop

I grow lots of pimples lately. Started from my cheeks, then spread around my face and head. Mum was worried and took me to doctor last week. Doctor said nothing to worry about. It will go away by itself in a a couple of months.

My first trip out of town. This is at Mount Nebo, about 45 minutes from Amman. It was hot! But I like going out. The girls (mum and oma) then had a lot of mozaik shopping in a town nearby.

I am being pampered by Oma lately. Love it :)

Yay! my tummy is full, bum is clean, i'm happy and want to play now.

I am at the Mariott hotel Petra with mum, dad, and oma. My first long trip by car. 3 hours in the car was hot, but it's ok with me. I slept most of the time, and I just stayed in the hotel during our 2 nights stay. It has nice and comfy bed. I slept very well at night. Mum and dad like it because they were tired from the walking during the day.

I like to have people around and laugh, talk and play with them. My best mood to do that is after I finish my milk. Seems like people love me doing that as they talked and laugh back at me. But, I would cry so hard and loud when I'm hungry. Nothing can stop me screaming when I'm hungry! Looks like it was very annoying for mum and dad, though...

In the last few weeks

- my dear mum finally made it here!

- have enjoying mum's companion at home,

- being spoiled by home made food made by mum,

- was busy cathing up news and gossips from home town,

- even though has not 100% back to normal, but has 'very' slowly get better from the operation and all post maternity problems,

- had finally back on the street, drive and mobile again,

- had finally walk outside the house,

- had been busy showing everything to mum,

- had been crushing around the town and malls,

- had been shopping shopping shopping - revenge from just being at home for more than five weeks.

- excited, enjoyed, concerned, worried all at once for Evan's development and changes

- had first long trip with the bub, and finally seen the New Wonder of The World, Petra! (complete story and photos about the trip will be posted later)

- and had finally had the 'new' family picture taken ;0

Three of us