Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hello Teddy

Just a little update from the crafty sides of mine. I finished the Jewellery Making class last November, but finished the last project in December, after my big holiday.

Making new jewellery for practise would be fun, but I haven't really look for new beads, and the chance to get nice beads here is very small. I've then decided to switch to knitting, which I abandoned for more than a year. I thought I better start again before too long and forgot all about it. Not only that, I also worked on some cross stitch work.

The first work, a pencil case, didn't turn out like I'm expected. But I'm pretty happy with the next trial, a teddy bear. Didn't expect it would be symmetrical or if it would look like a bear. I struggled with the make-up instruction. I was really surprise with the result! and more from that, it can be the first soft toy for my coming bub! :)

Teddy Bear, Pencil Case, and Book Mark

Key Chain

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Snow Here And There

What happened in Damascus, Syria on on the same day as this day?
Hubby was there and took few interesting shots.
I thought I'll share.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hello! SOS!

Akhir-akhir ini gue....

Suka lupa apa yang mau diomongin. Orang yang diajak ngomong udah nungguin gue mau ngomong apa, mulut pun udah mangap,.. tapi kok gue lupa mo ngomong apa....

Kurang bisa multitask... misalnya:
Kalo lagi nyetir, gak bisa sambil ngomong. Kalo ngomong bakal jadi kayak gini ni "mmm.... i mean it was.... mmm what I was saying?.... mmm yes, I mean it wasn't good enough that...what do you call it... ouch... that car didn't indicate! ooops... I have to turn right back there.... "... and on on.... never ending statement.
Kalo lagi masak, gak bisa sambil nonton
Kalo lagi telpon, gak bisa sambil chatting di komputer
Kalo lagi makan, gak bisa sambil tidur (ya iya laaaah..!)

Suka lupa apa yang mau dilakuin... misalnya:
Mau nge-google sesuatu, pas googlenya udah kepampang di monitor,.. terus blank. Mau google apa ya tadi? lupa loh...

Suka lupa nama ato istilah2 tertentu...misalnya
Mau nyebut nama seorang teman,...tapi tiba-tiba ditengah percakapan lupa banget nama orang tersebut
Kadang malah lupa nama yang gue ajak ngomong
Atau kadang mau nyebut satu kata tapi gak bisa inget istilahnya, sampe musti ngeles dibelokin pake kata-kata lain.

Kenapa ya? Tanda-tanda ketuaan kali ya. :) Mungkin perlu terapi otak lebih banyak. Contohnya dengan ngerjain kerjaan2 yang lebih pake otak. misalnya... hmmm... isi tts, maen sudoku, bikin budget belanja, hmm.. kurang menantang ya... coba sapa yang mau kasih gue kerjaan menantang... itung-itungan? translation? project ini itu? silahkan loh.

Tapi setelah baca beberapa buku dan browsing, ternyata nemu satu excuse. Katanya sih absentminded atau pelupa during pregnancy itu wajar. Sebabnya bisa baca sendiri disini. Intinya kalo lagi hamil bisa jadi lebih pelupa ato 'lemot' alias dung-dung. Bener ga bener,..percaya ga percaya tapi masalah forgetful atau absentminded selalu ada dalam tiap buku dan website yang ngebahas tentang pregnancy.

So that's my excuse. Gue gak pelupa ato lemot kok. :) Cuma sementara aja. ;p

----update (5 Feb 08) - baca artikel ini----

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow In The Desert

My mobile rang, and I groaned. It was only 7:15am, and I was still half dreaming when my Hubby in Damascus saying, "get out of bed and look out of your window!”


And I saw drizzle of ... not rain,.. but something that looks like white cotton falling as soon as I open the shutter of my bed room window. It's snowing! Finally I have my first snow. Hubby got a work call from his colleague in town who also informed it's snowing here and he called me right after.

So the forecast was right! But it still strange waking up to a snowy Amman.

This time I didn't have to be dragged out of bed even though it was early and cold because the heating was off again! (it's been on and off in almost a week, we have problem with the diesel and boiler). Normally I'll be upset and cranky. But this morning I was too excited to think about the broken diesel. After I called the maintenance guy, I quickly looked out the windows in each directions (the apartment gets all the view from each directions). It's getting heavier and heavier when I looked at it. I was sooo thrilled.

It's beautiful and peaceful with grey sky, dry twiggy trees and green pine trees between buildings as the background. I put Vivaldi on and sip my warm tea while I looked out the window through out my balcony and enjoy the sight of snow falling... hmmm.... nice feeling!

Not only it's my first snow, but also it's the first snow in this winter season in this country. I thought I was over reacted,.. but actually I'm not alone. People were going crazy with excitement. Radio keep talking about it and how they surprise with snow today (seems like they have different forecast sources - not BBC), how excited people are, how you have to be careful when driving and telling people to just stay at home and snuggle in bed, have hot chocolate and marshmallow. My mobile didn't stop making noises this morning, all talking about the same topic.

M (a friend - sms) = "Have you looked out the window? It's snowing!"
R (malaysian friend, sms) ="Snow dah turun! Enjoy!"
L (my maid - sms) ="Hi madam, it's snowing. I can't come. Tomorrow morning ok?"
M (a friend - sms) = "I can see not many cars on the main road"
N (a friend - MSN online) ="It's snowing! have you gone out and play with the snow?"
B (maintenance guy-local guy) with the biggest smile I've ever seen, he said = "it's a beautiful day!" "It's good for Jordan. We'll be able to get a bit of water" - This guy was so happy so he told his son to go back to bed, don't bother to go to school today!

People are happy and thrilled, just like I do! I'm not the only one. Some people use it as an excuse to go to school or work because of the road condition. Road will become very slippery and dangerous for small-light cars. The country has been thirsty for water and been waiting for rain and snow that came very late this season.
I wanted to go out, walk on the pile of snow, and play and take lots and lots of pictures from the ground. But it would look so crazy to do it by myself. So I only took pictures from my 4th floor apt's balcony and windows.

Although its beautiful, but I am not looking forward to have too much of it. It's cold, gloomy, and make us hard to get around. Our car is not a 4 wheel drive car, so it's not too safe to drive on the ice slippery road. As much as I like to stay at home, I will need to get out, do my errand and have fun outside the house.


Is it gonna be snowing in the next two days? We'll see!

Monday, January 21, 2008

First Bub Shopping

Never had headache this bad when shopping before! Not that I shop for myself, which would be much easier. But this time we are starting to look and shop for the bub. According to my custom, I'm not suppose do a baby shop until next month when my pregnancy reach month seven. But I'm so excited and can't wait to start to look, and the seventh months will not far away anyway. Other reasonable reason is that Winter Sales season has started, and won't last long. When everything is so expensive and we need every single things the baby needs, the sales would be advantegous.

Shopping... it sounds easy. But it's not! For the first mum to be like me, enter to a baby shop is new experience. It was overwhelming. So many products with different types, styles, brands, and qualities. I didn't know where to start. Didn't know what I really need and what to choose.

After looking around from mall to mall and from local shop to local shop with Andrew and with the help of my female friend who has 2 kids (assumes she has experience), I started to have a picture and ideas. I and Andrew started to make a list. We decided to concentrate to get things that is now on sale and the other things can wait.

So I did. Last Thursday, was my first shopping for my bub. I started from what I thought would be the easiest one, which was clothing. But it's not as easy as I thought. I've been warned to not buy too many clothing as the baby will grow fast. But everything look so cute! So here is what I bought that day. There would be more things to buy, from other stores, soon in the next few weeks, before the sale finish. ;p

Sunday, January 20, 2008


He can be annoying
He can be ignorant
He can be messy
He can be clumsy
We may do things differently
we may not talk to much sometimes
we may be busy with our own things


He can be sweet and loving
He can be helpful
He can be funny and cheerful
He can be dependable
We always enjoy watch movie and cuddle together
We always plan everything together
We always help and take care each other


.... how I miss him when he is not around....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What The Girls Say

"Hey, you look fresh!"
"You look cute with popping tummy and petite body!"
"Wow, look how the baby grow, and you doesn't look big at all."
"you only look big on your belly"
"I can see it's a boy"
"seems like the baby grow so fast since I last met you"

That was only a few comments form some women I met today whom I haven't met for about 2 months.

Whilst I started to feel not comfortable with some part of my body (other than belly) that keep enlarging day by day, it's really comforting to hear such nice comments. I don't know if they tell the truth or not as I gained about 11 kg by now, still, they've made my day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Misty City

Although the temperature considerably cold (2-11C), I surprised to have lot of sunshine rather than rain and gloomy days since my return from holiday.

But seems it will be end soon. The real gloomy winter like what people were talking about, which usually started in November is coming. The city suddenly covered by thick fog the whole day yesterday. Even got worse in the afternoon. The pic was taken from my balcony around 11.30am. I drove up to the hill no far from my house to have lunch with bunch of ladies. The looking distance only about 1o m. Hard to see what in front and around you and still lots of cars didn't put their hazard lamp on.

Yet it cleared up today, the sun is not so shiny as usual...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Something Left

from our Italy trip.

The real Italian Pizza. It's thin and not much in it, served without slices and always fresh from the oven. This is a normal size pizza for one person, and some people can have this for appetiser!

The real Italian pasta. Pasta is not considered as a main menu, and it's not rich. It's plain, and not too much in it. This one is Pasta with garlic, olive oil, and basil. The one I like the most after pasta with pesto sauce.

As promise to take picture of Indomie in all around the world, I found a shelve full of Indomie in one of the groceries store in Rome. ;p

My name is everywhere there! Apparently Novita means 'new' in Italian ;p

Check out some arty photos in my photoblog.

Cheery Mood

New Year, new appearance. Yup,.. new template, again!

Some people like my last template and made a good comment of it, but I just need a refreshment. This new template represent what I feel and what I want to feel in the next 4-5 months. It's bright, colourful, and unique with the spiral main body. I need this colour in this winter and pregnancy season. The bright colours will cheer me up, bring more energy, and turn me to warm and happy mood.

However, i'm not sure how long it going to last, as I get bored quite easily and always want new challenge, new style, new appearance. :)

Talking about new year and new look,... I finally had my hair dyed and cut my fringe bit more shorter just a day before new year eve. Simply to say, I have a new look too. :)