Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sicky Day

It happened so fast.

Started with funny feeling on my throat yesterday evening, then sneezed a lot, followed to runny nose like a leaking tap, and only can breath through mouth at night and of course couldn't sleep. I woke up this morning feeling terrible. Dizzy, sore throat, sore muscles and weak. I think I have a bit of fever too. I hate flu, and as I'm pregnant now I hate it more. Upset and frustrated as I can't take any drugs other than panadol.

I felt as gloomy as the weather outside today. I treated myself with couple cup of tea with honey, chicken soup, orange juice and plenty of warm water. Couldn't go to doctor as today is a weekend holiday. Besides, I'm confused as do I have to see GP or my Obgyn. Really hope I feel better in a couple of days without seeing doctor and taking special antibiotics. (*grunt grunt*)

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