Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I've been waiting for so long to tell this. In the past 3 months I've been feeling tired, sleepy, and lazy most of the time. I know I know,.. for anyone who knows me, it's sounds like very 'me'. But not only I felt it more than usual (so bad that I have to lied down or took a nap), but after a few weeks, it also followed with other symptoms, like headache, heartburn, bladder 'calling' 100 times at night, and... growing tummy.

Guess what, ... yes,... I'm expecting!

I know! Can you imagine, me, pregnant? It was a rather shocking when I found it out too. ;p

I welcome the second trisemester this week. The last first trisemester had been full of new sensations. This very new experience, so amazing that I could freak-out and excited at the same time. Doctor said being pregnant means live as normal. But I don't agree. I definitely have to take a good care of myself more. More cautious of myself. Have to watch what I eat, what I drink, what I see, what I hear, what I say, what I feel, and what I do. Automatically I have to switch the way I think, as I am not only think about myself anymore. So, yeah, this is another changes in my life I should take, and I am really thankful for that.

As I am in the second trisemester now, my tummy is a little bit showing. At least that's what people said when they see me. I am hoping to feel better, have more energy, more energetic and enjoy this new experience more.


Anonymous said...

bouw..lucu amat tampilannya..warm and friendly...btw gmn caranya seh dpt templete kayak gitu..mau dong... :-)

Anonymous said...

well... congratsssssss again yah bu.. after i said it personally, u still want me to blog it as well? ;p

sering2 update donk yah.. coba foto tummy nya :p


Anonymous said...

Bonen, congratulations !!! So happy to hear your good news. Take care of yourself.... Olin & fam, Sydney

Nencee said...

Thanks Olin and Olin di Syd. :)
Olin & fam, apa kabar??? Nemu blog gue darimana? Elu ada blog jugakah?

Anonymous said...


congrats yah, akhirnya join the club juga deh ye hehe...moga sehat2 selalu yah...


cendee said...

ehehehe..tired, sleepy, and lazy all the time..very 'sapi'..bener juga..hauehuae..CONGRATTTTTTZZZZ..mao ksono..huhu

Anonymous said...

Congratulations once again Nancy! I'm so happy for you and Andrew! Have you thought of any names yet??
