Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nationality Confusion

On one hot day:

me : salamualaikum
taxi driver : .... mumbled
me : ila Mecca Mall (to Mecca Mall)
taxi driver : ok
taxi driver : (mumbled in arabic)
me : la arabic (no arabic)
taxi driver : where are you from?
me : not answering
taxi driver : from Japan ?
me : no

Another day in a cafe

me : can I have grilled chicken caesar salad and orange juice, please
waitress : sure, ok. Anything else ?
me : No, thanks
waitress : Are you from Japan?
me : no

On one fine day in a salon

me : I want to have my hair wash and blow dry.
man A : of course, come and have your hair wash here (then he started to wash my hair)
man B : (sitting on the sofa near me), where are you from ?
me : Australia.
man B : (smile, looked puzzled)
me : but I'm originally from Indonesia, Jakarta. You know?
man B : Ooooh,....I know Indonesia. I thought you from Japan.
me : (smile, sighed)

Another day in another taxi

taxi driver : where from ? china?
me : no
taxi driver : philipine ?
me : no
taxi driver : Japan ?
me : no

I don't understand...

Tell me, do I really look like Japanese?


cendee said...

huaheuaheuhaue..pada picek tu matanya..hauehauehuahe..kyk mbak2 gtu..hihihihi..cieee..tapi seneng kan dikira jepang..

Anonymous said...

I think, considering the notion of cultural understanding, racial assumptions and ethnic exclusivity in some countries, such argument is quite valid.

Anonymous said...

seneng kan nen disangka dr jepang..
gue sering buanget disangka org korea disini. bahkan pernah sama org korea sendiri... wakakaka.. senangnya... ga sia sia gue sering ntn vcd korea... hahahhahah


Nencee said...

Olin, elu sih di Jakarta aja dikira dari Monggolia. Gak heran lah ya.... :D