Sunday, June 24, 2007


Yesterday someone asked how's my life lately. The other day someone asked if I got bored or need company. The day before someone asked what I have been doing while hubby out of town.
The fact is : hubby works long hours on weekdays, sometimes he works on weekend too, and sometimes he works out of town. I'm not employed, I don't have baby, and live big empty house. I'm not surprise to get that questions. Although it kinda private question, but I understand if people wondered whether I ever feel lonely and bored since I got here.

It made me think. I've been here for over than 1 month now.

Actually, I think it wasn't bad at all. For me who used to be working and busy all day, other than missing my own stuff (we still living out of suitcases with minimal settling in kit), missing good Asian food, and missing work and life in Jakarta sometimes (blame on my Jakarta friends who keep sending me photos and great news ;p), I'm perfectly fine! I hardly feel bored and alone. Everyday is a new day here. Everyday means new experience, new things to do, new things to see, new things to feel, new things to touch, new things to learn, new food to taste, new places to go, new things to buy, new people to talk to, new everything!! How can I be bored?? Even when I just stay at home all day, that was because I wanted to, because I'm tired to go out, because I wanted to be alone, and because I wanted to get in touch with family and friends in Jakarta and Australia.

Sometimes I get frustrated while I am adapting to this new experience, or disappointed for not able to get things I usually use and eat, but they are all part of the adventure, which I learn to enjoy and not get too fussy about it (except in PMS time, that's the time for me to get fussy, annoying, and complaining about everything... ;p)

Weather wasn't too nice in the last few days, it got into around 33-36C at day time! and also very dusty and dry. Walking outside at daytime won't be so appealing anymore. :(
Apparently it will get hotter and not pleasant until September. August will be very very hot. However, because the city's elevation above sea level, summer in Amman is normally cooler than in the other country in Middle East. Therefore this city is a favourite destination for summer holiday for people from other cities. This is good, as the city will be more alive during summer because of the visitors, and there will be lot of events going on. I'm hoping to go to some of them.

Here are some photos of places around the city I visited in the past few days.

At the craft and art market : Souk Zara. This market only open on Friday. Good place to get bargain of local antiques, handicraft, and art works.

Friday is a weekend day and so people are not working. People are usually go for praying in the afternoon, so the market doesn't look so busy in the afternoon. But will be busier in the evening, and more lively as it will be a live local band playing modern or folk songs. Good place and time to hang out.

One of the stall. Sell big and old earthenware
Another stall selling antiques ....

and more antiques.

One of the stall that sells paintings. Others stalls sell jewellery, mosaics, pottery, etc. Very interesting. I'll take more photos next time I go there.

In front of Book @ Cafe. As you can tell from the name, it's a book shop on the 1st floor, and a very cozy internet cafe at the 2nd floor where people can hang out and work on their laptop without being hassled.

Lines Gallery, situated in one of the original old house, with views over the down town area. A contemporary paintings exhibition was held when I came. I might join its art classes someday.

Abdoun Mall, not too far from my house. But I like Mecca Mall better...

Mecca Mall on Friday night. Very busy. Four storeys, recently expanded its premises, and it has lots of shops I like ;p It also has food court and cinema showing a blockbuster movies. Yay!

Two landmark of this city: The Royale Hotel, which I heard very luxury and expensive, and the new funky bridge which just opened late last year.

St Mary of Nazareth Church. Just 10 minutes walk from my house. The only English mass is on Saturday at 5pm.

The church tower with the bells, on the left side of the main building. I can hear the sound of these bells from my house. Nice sound. I hardly hear anything like that where I lived before.

View of down town from a place called Wild Jordan Cafe. Can you see a big flag in the distance?? See more closely in next photo.

The flag is massive. But the flagpole is the one that we should be look closer. It called Raghadan Flagpole and it's the second tallest free-standing flagpole in the world! ;p

Here at Wild Jordan Cafe, I enjoyed the view and took some photos, and...

enjoyed the freshness of strawberry juice with lemon and mint leaves and grilled chicken with yummy 'herbie' sauce with mash potato and vegies.


Anonymous said...

sapppp..speedynya langsung abis gara2 buka page ini!..ahuehuae..byk bener potonya..

bamos_eyes said...

weleh..weleh...sibuk bener ibu satu ini...