Monday, January 15, 2007

First Post in 2007

New Year 2007 Fire Works

Hellooo! Gosh,... Finally can get into blogging again after so long. Nope, it was only 2 weeks, but seems very long, though. And for sure, sooo many things has happened. I just had the busiest Christmas holiday ever! So busy with visitors, trips, new projects, works, etc etc made me freeze from blogging world. And now we are in the new year too. 2007 ! Think it's a bit late to say happy new year. So don't bother :) and dont ask me about resolution. Don't have any. Didn't have time to think about that. I'm just hoping that a new year will bring a new spirit, new positive minds, new happiness, and of course... a new and better beginning...
Trying to be a good host, made me lil bit stress and tense sometimes. But I'm really really glad with what happened in this holiday season. Happy to have visitors, especially families. Happy to spend time with them. Happy to go to see new things. Happy to see the visitor happy. Happy Happy Happy, eventhough i feel soooooo hot and humid here lately.

I and Andrew wouldn't go out of town if we dont have visitors, as the weather is wet and hot. But not a surprise that we finally went to few places finally with Andrew's parents. Territory Wild Park at Berry Springs, 3 days trip to Katherine, NT Museum and Art Gallery, and eat out in different restaurants/

and most enjoyable thing were I finally have the 'guru' to teach me knitting for 2 weeks. Yay! :)

More stories about our trip will be posted next time.
In the mean time, this is us on new year eve 2006.

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