Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"A Fortunate Life"

Finished this book. Finally!

First classic Australian book I've ever read. Thanks to my friend, Sofi who lend it to me. Took ages to finish it, but it's not because it's too boring. I've only got distracted to other things. ;p

What can I say about this book. One of the books that I would have as a collection and re-reading. A book I would recommend other people to read. Combination between history, autobiography, and literature. True story about extraordinary life journey of Albert B. Facey (1894-1982). He wrote it in his elderly age (in his 80's), quite amazed with how he could remember his childhood life in detail. This book has helped me understand the past. I got the picture now what it was like to live and being a first settlement in this country in the 19th century. The life in that century was totally different than it is today (of course !). Also got a better picture of what how Australia involved in World War I and what Gallipoli is.

Facey had bitter and hard life, especially in his young age. Many people may experience the same, but not many can put it in writing like he did. Facey had no formal education. He taught himself to read and write. For some people this book can be boring. It was like reading an unimportant, dull journal. But for sure it's a great and moving book that had inspired many people. I'm one of them who enjoyed and moved by it.

"I have lived a very good life, it has been very rich
and full. I have been very fortunate and I am thrilled by it when I look back.''

-A. B. Facey-


I received about 8 junk 'humour' emails this morning. This is one of it:

Husband: When I get mad at you, you never fight back.
How do you control your anger?
Wife: I clean the toilet...
Husband: How does that help?
Wife: I use your toothbrush....
No offence, but i don't see its funny. I think the wife is pretty dumb. Cleaning toilet is not pleasant at all, and plus, did she ever think that she would kiss the husband eventually? How gross is that ?! Yuuuck!

Anyway, no need to make this such a problem. Maybe i'm a bit to serious today. :)
Result of being so numb and bored at work.... (*sigh*)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

In the past few days


had been spoiled with Andrew's yummy meals,

had drank more than a zip of white wine to go with Andrew's made yummy meals. Still, did not get any good pleasurable effect from the wine, bummer! Get away you rash and itches! (naughty me!),

hadn't stop trying to bring to mind the dreams i had a night before. Surely I dreamt something! (maybe it's the time to take Gingkobiloba),

hadn't stop annoyed and whinging about the cleanness of the house. Tried hard to make every corner of the house dust free, sweet-scented, and sparkling,

had been groaning (poor Andrew - had to listen) tried to do million things in one time. Where's the time go ?! (I guess I'd have more time if I got up earlier - you lazy woman!),

had been feeling tired occasionally and wondered why my energy level drained so fast. Think it might be from my lack of exercise (or maybe becoz of the thing I mentioned before),

had attempted to pick up A Fortunate Life I abandoned after a mere 232 pages. Alrighty, about 25 pages left now!,

had endured the heat and humidity so far,

had become a relationship consultant to my family in jakarta (hohoho !),

hadn't stop watching 1 Litre of Tears on UTube. Damn,...couldn't stop ever since i watched the first half episode. Believe me, I used to hate and avoid this kind of movie as much as I could. But this one was different, interesting, inspiring, and "flooding" !!! Couldn't help myself,

had been sickly worried of my loose hair. Hair falling down! Hellp... do I need to take more vitamin E ??,

and finally, had been feeling quite stagnant.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Cerita Liburan

Katherine Gorge at Nitmiluk National Park, NT

Yep, ini adalah cerita lanjutan tentang jalan-jalan waktu liburan Natal & Taun Baru kemarin.

Meskipun udara gak bersahabat buat saya (= sangat panas), kami sempatkan juga untuk mengintip
Territory Wild Life Park, Museum and Art Gallery of The Northern Territory,dan exploring kota terbesar ke 3 di daerah NT, Katherine selama 3 hari.

Territory Wild Life Park cukup menarik. Berada di lokasi sekitar Berry Springs, kurang lebih 1 jam dari Darwin. Idenya kawasan ini adalah seperti cagar alam, yang melindungi binatang dan tanaman serta ekosistemnya. Jadi selain ada exhibit aquarium, aviary (kandang burung besar), reptiles, juga ada kandang2 binatang khas Northern Territory seperti kerbau, babi, dan wallaby. Area yang cukup luas, dari exhibit satu dan lainnya dipisahkan oleh pohon-pohon besar, danau, dan sungai, sehingga terutama buat saya yang gak hobi jalan kaki, gak mungkin melihat semua exhibit dengan jalan kaki. Apalagi kami harus jalan kaki lumayan jauh di dalam setiap exhibit. Jadilah kami harus menggunakan shelter bus untuk mengantarkan dari satu exhibit ke exhibit lainnya. Pada saat kami disana. Panasnya sekitar 34 derajat C,... cukup panas buat saya (Tidak terlalu panas buat hubby dan orang tuanya). Tolooong! :) Keringat bercucuran, terutama di muka. Bisa dilihat di foto, betapa glowing dan shiny - nya muka saya :) Sangat sangat tidak nyaman dan melelahkan (Tapi senang kok.. he..he..) Sayangnya kami tidak sempat pergi ke sumber mata air panas, Berry Spring, tidak jauh dari lokasi wild life park ini, karena hujan mengguyur cukup deras tepat pada saat kami akan menuju kesana dan hari sudah cukup sore.

Look at my shiny-wet forehead!

Museum and Art Gallery of NT juga menarik. Sangat berbeda dari Museum dan Art Gallery di Sydney atau Adelaide. Disini lebih banyak menampilkan budaya dan art Aboriginal, penduduk asli Australia. Tapi buat saya, art gallery di Sydney lebih menarik.

Yang jadi 'highlight' dari liburan kali ini adalah kunjungan kami ke wilayah sekitar Katherine. Dibutuhkan sekitar 3 jam naik mobil dari Darwin. Kami juga berkunjung ke kota yang berada di tengah-tengah antara Darwin dan Katherine, yaitu kota bersejarah, Pine Creek. Penduduk awal yang datang dan berdiam di kota ini adalah imigran-imigran yang datang untuk menambang emas. Banyak ditemukannya tambang emas di sekitar Pine Creek sekitar tahun 1800an - 1995.

Keterangan tentang kota ini bisa dibaca di papan.

Katherine hanya kota kecil di sekitar wilayah Katherine. Penduduk pertama yang mendiami wilayah ini adalah orang Aborigin, suku Jowoyn dan Dagomen. Pada tahun 1862, John McDouall Stuart (Penjelajah dari Inggris) melewati daerah ini dan menamakan sungai yang melintas di daerah ini "Katherine" sesuai dengan nama anak perempuan James Chambers, orang yang mensposori dan membiayai penjelajahan John Stuart dari Port Augusta - Darwin. Kota ini mulai berkembang dengan dibangunnya Stasiun Telegram tahun 1872.

Di Katherine, kami menginap 2 malam di Knott Crossing Resort. Cukup nyaman, dengan kolam renang air asin yang menyejukkan dan service yang baik. Tetapi dapet pengalaman terburuk dalam sejarah makan malam di restoran. Malam pertama kami makan malam di Katie's Bistro, restoran di resort tersebut, kami harus menunggu lebih dari 2 jam untuk mendapatkan menu utama kami. Alhasil, maag saya kambuh malam itu. Rupanya banyaknya pengunjung malam itu tidak normal, alias 2 kali lebih banyak daripada biasanya. Pelayanan bistro normal kembali keesokan harinya.

Disini kami sempatkan untuk mengunjungi Katherine Museum, naik kapal menyusuri sungai Katherine, menikmati pemandang Katherine Gorge di Nitmiluk National Park, mengagumi indahnya staglatit, staglanit, kristal, bebatuan, dan colon di Cutta Cutta Cave, berangin-angin di Edith Fall, dan terheran-heran melihat perkampungan termite,... dengan giant termite mound-nya. Lagi-lagi, udara sangat panas selama 3 hari itu. Dan celakanya kami harus ber jemur-jemur ria pada setiap tempat yang kami kunjungi. Panas dan keringatan sih sebenernya gak masalah. Cuma yang paling saya gak mau, dan adalah kalau kulit saya tambah hitam.... dan rasanya waktu itu saya sudah tambah 3kali lipat lebih hitam :( ... Terutama pada saat kami mengikuti cruise tour di Katherine Gorge, kami harus naik turun kapal dan berjalan diantara bebatuan dan dibawah teriknya matahari menuju kapal selanjutnya, saya satu-satunya orang yang paling siap dengan peralatan perang untuk melindungi kulit, yaitu kacamata, topi, celana panjang, sepatu, pasmina, dan payung. Dimana orang lain memakai baju seminim mungkin, n pake sandal. Pasti mereka pikir saya orang paling aneh di dunia. :D

@ Katherine Gorge dan Cutta Cutta Cave

Giant termite mound and the museum in Katherine

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Time Has Come

I knew it! I knew this time will come. But I didn't think it will be this soon! It was just yesterday when we (I and Andrew) questioning ourselves on how could someone upload the whole series of this show in youtube without getting any trouble. And today I know the answer..... There is a big red sign says "This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner Sony Pictures Entertainment because its content was used without permission" when I tried to watch The Amazing Race Asia episode 9.

well well well.....I have to be heartbroken again, not able to watch my favorite team from Indonesia, Mardy and Marsio beats other teams with their intelligent and luck (*sob*).........I'm not a YouTube or Piracy big fans, but for me who don't have access to watch this show on TV or dvd, being able to watch it in this site is very very handy and practical and efficient, enjoyable, and all the good things! :) Good on you Sony Pictures ! From hundreds of other videos that doesn't have permission, you picked this one as a victim! Anyway.... I completely understand and this doesn't surprise me.

But still... doesn't mean I should stop trying. Anyone know where else can I possibly watch the rest of this show ??? .... Please tell me..... please, pleasee.....

Monday, January 15, 2007

Pinky Little Something

Hiyaaa...... This is the FIRST creature I knitted! Yay!!! :)
Thanks to the 'Guru' !

I just started learn how to knit in October and it was only for a few week, which then I busy with other things. Guru said my knit stitches looks like knit of a person who has knitted for years. :) what a compliment, hey ?
Anyhoo, I called this thing a creature, it's supposed to be a white snowball. I didn't have enough white yarn, so I made it in pink. But whatever it is, I would always treasure this little pinky ball as my first creation of knitting. Hoping to have more time to knit this year.

These little farm family created by the 'guru' while she was here.
Notes: These are only some of them. She made lots more!

First Post in 2007

New Year 2007 Fire Works

Hellooo! Gosh,... Finally can get into blogging again after so long. Nope, it was only 2 weeks, but seems very long, though. And for sure, sooo many things has happened. I just had the busiest Christmas holiday ever! So busy with visitors, trips, new projects, works, etc etc made me freeze from blogging world. And now we are in the new year too. 2007 ! Think it's a bit late to say happy new year. So don't bother :) and dont ask me about resolution. Don't have any. Didn't have time to think about that. I'm just hoping that a new year will bring a new spirit, new positive minds, new happiness, and of course... a new and better beginning...
Trying to be a good host, made me lil bit stress and tense sometimes. But I'm really really glad with what happened in this holiday season. Happy to have visitors, especially families. Happy to spend time with them. Happy to go to see new things. Happy to see the visitor happy. Happy Happy Happy, eventhough i feel soooooo hot and humid here lately.

I and Andrew wouldn't go out of town if we dont have visitors, as the weather is wet and hot. But not a surprise that we finally went to few places finally with Andrew's parents. Territory Wild Park at Berry Springs, 3 days trip to Katherine, NT Museum and Art Gallery, and eat out in different restaurants/

and most enjoyable thing were I finally have the 'guru' to teach me knitting for 2 weeks. Yay! :)

More stories about our trip will be posted next time.
In the mean time, this is us on new year eve 2006.