Friday, December 22, 2006

Eating vs Cooking

I like eating, as in: I enjoy the foods, I usually not picky, and like to try new foods. But when it comes to cooking.... that would be a different case. For sure, I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy eating (*grin*). I'm not sure why, I did not find myself interested in cooking, baking, and anything related to kitchen and its utensils. Especially when I was in Jakarta. My mum was the queen of our kitchen, so was in charged in that area and cooked for the family everyday. I guessed I took it for granted sometimes. My sisters helped my mum sometimes, but not me. I was so lazy, kitchen just not my area, and I prefer to do something else... :)

I always think that I can learn to cook later, if I really really have to. And I did! Cooking became one of my problem when I got married and have to move here, far away from my mum. Could not depend on my mum cooking anymore (*sob*) I was only able to cook instant noodle at that time! Lucky, Andrew is a good cook. He enjoyed cooking, as cooking is one of his hobbies. But, of course I couldn't depend on him cooking all the time. What kind of wife am I ?! :) So there I was, learned how to cook. Tried my mum's recipes, tried other recipes, called my mum for advises, and been through lots of pain (got my finger wounded by the knife, skin burned from bumped into hot pans, got spilled by hot water, splashed by hot cooking oil, etc, etc).... - That's why I think cooking is a very dangerous job ! :D And it's probably why I didn't enjoy cooking from the first place.

After more than a year, I think I made a progress. I still cook when I have to or when I'm in the 'mood', and I still only cook simple meals. But I think I know about cooking spices and ingredients a lot better than before, and less hurting myself (*yay!*). Now I know how to cook beautiful rice (without rice cooker!), know how to avoid cooking oil splash, how to make nice chicken stock, know name of spices and how to use it, cook faster, able to make new and more variation of foods, and the food taste better and better. As people said, practice makes perfect. Hope to be able to make cakes next year. :)

Pictures above is only few simple meals which I usually made. You may click it to enlarge and see clear details. Will take pictures of others meals later :)


Anonymous said...

kliatan seh gak bisa masaknya..dr foto2nya...masaknya cuma tumis ama sop doang....ama goreng2ngan...

Nencee said...

hahaha... emaang! Tapi mendingan daripada gak sama sekali tooh ?

cendee said...

mendingan jaooooooooooooohhhhhh daripada waktu masi di jakarta!..gile..haeuaheuaheu..dulu mah bisanya makan doang..