Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Flu Strikes Again

Feverish, nauseous, bad headache (I mean very bad), cough, runny nose, sore throat, and weak, that's what I've been suffering in the last 3 days.

Doctor, antibiotics, panadols, lot of fluids, lot of rest, lot of tissues, and lot of TLC (from hubby-of course), that's what I need. ;p

Hope to get back to work tomorrow after not being able to go for 2 days.

I just changed the template again, btw. I think this one looks better... Ok, enough browsing, chatting, and blogging. Feel bit dizzy again. Time to have tablets and snooze.


constant change said...

Nens, gue juga kena flu nich jadinya... BT deh!

constant change said...

Nen - yang ini templatenya lucu bo!

Nencee said...

trims :)