Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Back to Work

myspace graphic


Anonymous said...

I already had a look your Litchfield Trip photos. There are such nice photos. Enjoy your work tomorrow and I'll take a photo at Fog Dam for you. I'll be thinking of you Nancy!!

Stephen Kurnia said...

Congratssss ya nen.. hehehe.. akhirnya ada kesibukan juga.. :P Be Nice.. Have a good work !! Ciayo !!

Nencee said...

Thank you guys ! I need that spirit. 7am now, I feel sooooo sleepy .....

Gae, that was very nice of you, will wait for the pic. Have a fun day, dont forget to bring a hat.

Stephen, I won't be OL during the day anymore...hiks..

Cipluk, that's such a cute notes! ;p

Have a good day everyone. :)

Anonymous said...

It was a short trip and the trip was changed to Howard Springs. I didn't take many photos because you weren't there. How was your first day of work? Hope you had a good time. I'll try to add a photo in my yahoo album. I'll forward it to you when it's ready but I'm still working on it. Miss ya.