Monday, May 19, 2014

Peaceful Morning

This morning, I went back to sleep after sending my boy to the school bus. Woke up at 10 am feeling a bit better. I had the house for myself today. Had a cuppa while catching up with my daily "gadget" routine. With no other 'house maintenance' sounds interrupting in the background. Only chirps of birds from the garden and a tick tock sounds from the clock, other than that just silent. So quiet and peaceful. Not in a hurry or obliged to do anything. Just doing nothing and enjoy the silent…... Sometimes that's what I really need, once in a while……only once in a while.

I am still here...

Oh wow… it's been more than a year since my last post!! Obviously I was rather busy. Again, feel so bad not to be able to write and record all of the important and unimportant things in the last year.  Lucky I still remember the password to get in here.

Anyway, just a short post to say that I am still here, alive. :D Of course my situation and circumstances has changed. We have moved to the new place, been through a lot of up and down, happy and sad.

I intend and insist to hold on to this blog, hoping to catch up with my writing again soon.

ciao for now!