Sunday, May 5, 2013

What People Think

A friend from the very old old days contacted me today, out of the blue. A little awkward conversation at first not only because the wifi connection was in a poor quality but also because the last conversation we had probably about 20 years ago !! However of course we are friends on my "not very active" FB and recently he found me on instagram.

After a while the conversation flowed a little bit better. Interesting to know how he is after all this time. He told me that my voice sounded the same, always have a fun and happy vibrant. That I always looked happy, sounds cheerful, seems never have any problem or burden in life.  And that my photos on instagram were beautiful, representing my happiness and calmness.

It is not true, of course, because there is no perfect life where a person can be happy all the time.  But it is not surprising. I am not a person who like to update my status on socmed very often, or share what I feel and what I am doing every second to the world. I also very reluctant to share my problem and pour my heart to people I barely know. Having to say that this old friend does not really know me, but it is good to know that people think I am a happy person - which I always wanted to be. And it feels good to know that other people can feel happy when they look at my pictures !

I will continue to be who i am. 😊