Tuesday, December 27, 2011

simple Christmas in the island

 It's Christmas ! This time we spent time in the island, with its humidity and rain. Weather very like the same as Jakarta, which I like. I didn't really have time to have home sick this christmas,  since I was just super busy! I swear my time was always full on, every day, every minute, no break until I went to sleep. Now that I finally have time to write a little, I can't even break down what I did, what made me so busy, because they are just too many !

Anyway, our christmas started early. We put up the tree and decoration on the 1st of  December. Barney Christmas dvd was on, Christmas songs too. Evan was so excited and help me decorating. He also started to understand Santa. He had been taught to be a good boy so Santa would give him big present, which is a big bike. We didn't realised that Santa in this island can be many! Evan had 4x Santa this year! First one was at my office's christmas party, 2nd one was at the city christmas twilight market, 3rd was at his Childcare, and the 4th was on christmas eve. I think he was over Santa after he saw Santa for the 3rd times. Must be confusing for him to see so many Santa and got presents from each Santa he met, and when we kept saying that Santa will come on christmas eve when he is sleeping. He didn't know the concept of dates yet, he didn't know when is the actual christmas day is. All he knows that he has met Santa, got presents, and will get more presents. As the result, he didn't fall asleep until 12.30am on christmas eve, just to see Santa coming and wanted to have a look at the presents. It follows to exhausted me and hubby who has to wrap the presents and install the big bike after Evan is really asleep. We ended up sleep at 2.30am, and woke up like a zombie on christmas morning.
little helper
Santa at my office's staff christmas party
Santa at twilight christmas market
santa at the childcare
I took a lot of christmas photos (of course), made up few christmas cards and sent them to family and close friends, and made special christmas decoration for Evan.

Snowman decoration I made for Evan

Our busy period started since the 16th, as the day of Evan's childcare last day for this year. I and hubby had to work until 23rd, and so hubby took time off on my working days. It turned out good as he could spent quality time with the little boy. That week we have to prepare to stock up our pantry and fridge, buy presents, and prepare for xmas dinner with friends on the 23rd. Yes, we invited people to dinner early this Christmas as they are all already have plan on christmas day or they are away to their home town. Our dinner with friends turned out good. It was just a simple dinner with small crowd. Was a good fun.

christmas dinner with friends

We went to Church on christmas eve, 6pm mass. There were only about 18 people there, so simple and quiet mass, compared to mass in Jakarta. No extravagant decoration. Only simple nativity set at the altar, which is nice. Evan behaved, he even like to sing Gloria in exelcis deo, :)

So, the little boy started the day by opening the santa sack under his bed in the morning. Then I made french toast and sausages sizzles for breakfast. Then we opened presents under the tree. I really feel that the little boy had too many presents. So many that he forgot what he really really want at the first place, which was a big bike. He was startled with joy when he saw the bike. But then he tried it on, he felt the bike was too big and too wobbly, and so he didn't really like it anymore, especially he had successfully distracted by other toys and goodies. (*sigh*) We then had a very nice special roast chicken for lunch, then relaxing time the whole afternoon.

christmas lunch - roast chicken

In the mean time, the weather outside was gloomy, cloudy, humid, and wet.

and that's how I and my little family spent my Christmas this year :)

Merry Christmas to you xoxoxo