Thursday, November 24, 2011

where's aeroplane

We were about to go out this morning and he was sitting in front of the door with his finger on his forehead. He moved his head up and down, right and left and keep saying "where are you?"..... I asked what are you doing? and he said, "i'm looking for aeroplane, mummy."

and he kept searching when we walked outside the house and in the car.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

tiny joys that made my day

My heart melted this morning when I dropped Evan to Childcare and send him in the playroom, he said, "have a good day!" he smiled and wave bye bye ! Ahhh... he can be a very sweet little boy sometimes ... : D

The other night we went out to a dinner with friends. After I finished my meal I just realised that I have a sticker stick on my wrist! It was there all along since we left home, and of course the little boy have to do with it. One of the guy said, "I knew it was there, I thought it some kind of new trend." haha...
And the other day I found 3 stickers at the back of hubby's shirt, and he was wearing it all day!  

Anyhoo, here's a little update of him in the last couple of months :

* His current favorite TV channel is Nickelodeon Junior, goodbye ABCKids channel !
* His recent favorite show is DORA THE EXPLORER !! Goodbye Pororo ...

* His kitchen hands skills developed. I actually enjoyed his company and little help in the kitchen now, as his hands become stronger and controllable.

* Start the morning by making glass of Milo, put the milk in the microwave, press the start button, spoon the milo into the glass, then stir it until all mixed well.

* Spread margarine and jam or nutella on toast or plain bread , folded the bread, and cut into half.

* He can take the biscuit jar from the pantry and open it without me knowing !

* He is still enjoying peeling onion and garlic, and helped me stir in the wok or pan

* His social skills improved. He has a best buddy called Maddy, whose her mom is hubby's office colleague. So cute to see them playing together. Especially when they are holding hands :D

* He is good in sharing food and toys in the house with other kids now.

* He can eat by him self only if he want too. Most of the time he asked me to help to feed him, just because I am around.

* I keep having thank you message and report from teacher in the childcare about how good he was in helping them to clean up and set up lunch or afternoon tea!!

* He also still enjoying coloring with water paint. However every time he does it, he only use one color to color the whole page !

* He likes to cut papers.

* He would come to my room in the morning to say "Good morning, mommy and daddy" - very loud - and very early !

* He loves to talk to people on the laptop (skype) - means to my family in Jakarta and Liam :)

* He also loves to talk on the phone. He is now can make a better conversation on the phone. Saying hello, how are you, and answer the question, and ask questions. Usually he talk with his dad or grandad :)

* He can make a cross sign when praying... well sort of... :) He can't really say "in the name of...." yet, but he definitely knows where the hands should go first and next in the right direction. He does the cross in the Church too, he knows to always make a cross sign after dipping his hand in the holy water bowl. -:)

* I always say  a pray before bed with him. Sometimes he wanted to say the pray himself ! :)

* At the Mass, he is also getting better in behaving himself. Sometimes he kneeled and pretended to seriously praying. He enjoyed putting coins in to the offering tray, he amused himself by reading a book we brought from home, or playing with the mass newsletter, and whispered when he talk.

* He still have to have a nap or quite time in the afternoon, otherwise will go mad by 5pm.

That's all I can think about him at the moment. :) He is a good and clever little boy, no doubt :)