Saturday, November 20, 2010

all important stuff

dear oh dear... I've been super busy lately so i hardly have time to blog! So many thing has happened, so many things i want to talk about, so little spare time. Here i go doing another short cut. Write everything in one entry.

* my little sister (who is not so little anymore) is here, visiting us since 29 oct. Cant believe she is really here. So we have a lot to catch up and do and shop and sight seeing, and many more. it's fun and good to have company in daily days. Little boy is very fond to her as well. He calls her Titi.. (from auntie). She is surely the main reason i abandoned the blog lately though.

* hubby went for a business trip to Amman for 5 days. i didn't look forward for long hour flight, but i wish i could go too. Thought would be good to go back there, as I realised i still have a few good friends there to visit, and that we had a lot of good memories in that city, including the birth of our boy!

* Whilst hubby is on the business trip, Evan had a bit of runny nose at one day, then a bit of cough another day, then the next day had unusual shorth-hard breath. He was still active and eat well, but a bit unsettled. so i took him to doctor concerning his breath. It was sunday, so i had to take him to a GP after hour in the hospital. By my surprise, GP advised me to take Evan to ER to have more treatment. I started to worried, especially coz hubby was not back in town yet. But tried to remain calm. It's the first experience for him and me to be at the hospital. He was pretty good the whole time, except when when we have to give him ventolin and oxigen. He was good when having chest x-ray and taking medicine syrup. After 4 hours, doctor decided for him to stay in the hospital that night for more observation and treatment. I was worried but agreed. Thankfully hubby finally landed in town and rushed to hospital to see us. we were all very tired. Hubby just landed from very long hour flight, and i didnt prepare anything to stay the night in the hospital. lucky that Cindy is home. She prepared everything i and Evan need that night. It was a sleepless night. I got very tired the next morning. Evan got better in the morning and doctor allowed him to go home. Apparently he had a mild asthma broncilitis. He treated with antibiotic and ventolin at home. It was certainly a frightening experience. Glad it's over.

* I had my first job interview after three years absence from world of office work. Realised that i dont have many descent formal clothing anymore. my waist has changed drastically so that all my formal pants got too big or too small. All of my formal tops were out of date. The interview made me panic, not only because it was hard to find right outfit, also because it seems too long since my brain used with professional office work stuff. I didn't have any clue about what to do and say anymore. Another thing was i had lot of thing to do on the same day, as it was hubby's bday and we were planning to give him small surprise celebration. It was a super busy long tiring day!, it was last thursday, 11/11.
the interview went ok, i guess. We'll see what happen. I don't expect much as they are now looking for a full timer, while i want a part time job. But I'm excited thinking to go back to work!

* it was hubby's 40th birthday last thursday. it's a special number so that i really want to give him special birthday celebration for him.
That day was the busiest ever. I got to find a present, party supplies, cake, candle, attend job interview, and cook chicken noodle for the first time! Glad to have lil sister's companion to do all the preparation. It wasn't a big fancy party, but simple and quite special. the most important think is the bday boy was happy. And the chicken noodle was satisfying.

* I turned 37 yesterday. we had no birthday celebration. But that's what i wanted. Instead, i had a great 2 days off from house and kitchen chores. Spent the whole 2 days playing, relaxing, swimming, sun bathing with lil' sister and lil' boy (day one, on day two he was at school), and had yummy dinner. It was special. everybody's happy, i was happy too. I didn't feel different as i got a year older... but i certainly thankful and greatful for everything i've got and achieved.

* It was our 5th anniversary on 19th of November. As little sister is here, we turned her to be a babysitter that night so we could go out just two of us on a very rare date. Yes, we didn't have time to go on a date anymore since Evan was born. We got off the house as soon as Evan went to sleep. Nothing much still open after 9pm,so we only had coffee and sweets in one of the restaurant at the rockingham foreshore. It was a nice night weather that night. Warm and the moon was full, perfect time to stroll along the beach at night. So it was very good to have a quiet time just two of us out of the house, even only for 2 hours.

updated 24 nov 2010 : I didn't get the job... :(

Next plan is undergoing....