Monday, October 18, 2010


Just when I told the whole world that i would make my ME time more happily and freely as the little one was happy to go to school,... it happened again. My ME time is gone, not happening. It's a false alarm! The series of sickness came back and didn't stop. And so the old story linger. Sleepless nights, lots of laundry (from vomits), lots of medicines, lots of doctor trips, plus the boy had to not go to school. I was drained and exhausted again.

The boy was diagnosed as having pneumonia about a month ago, after series of flu he had. The doctor confirm he had mid pneumonia after he had his chest x-ray taken. Since then he had lots and lots of antibiotics. The pneumonia has completely gone now. The last chest x-ray taken last week made sure it's clear.

However, somehow he keeps getting bugs. I guess that's his favourite activity at the moment. Collecting bugs from others (*sigh*)... Doctor trips is most common thing in our daily life now. We visited doctor almost twice a week in the last 3 months.

Doctors and many people said that it's very common that toddler get sick all the time once they go to childcare/school. It's actually good to expose them to all the germ and bugs at this age, so they will build their immune system by the time they go to real school. Doctor said I should expect the boy to get sick for a year. Let him get to know to all the bugs in every season. Once he get one bug he will be immune from the same bug. And that I should keep taking him to childcare.

The thought that he would build the immune system was good. But to see him sick, it was heart breaking. And the most sadness thing is that I still can not find my freely happily ME time.

At the moment the boy is down with diarrhea. Just after his thrush and cold vanished. What a hard world I live in now...... (*long long sigh*)

So you all now know why I dont blog as often as before, and that I still had to put down all my plan (*another long sigh*)