Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Why there have to be dirts. Why there have to be dust, why there have to be moulds, why there have to be all disgusting things in this world. They are no use other than give me a pain! They are the most useless thing in the world, i hate their existence!!

And why the rug is shedding so much, why there are so many kind of bugs, and why am i the one who seems to care.

Just one of the 'joy' of having a nice big house without helpers....(dengan kata lain: jeritan hati IRT/FTM)... hiks...!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's A New Year

Oh dear... it's now 2010.
Another year has passed.

Last year was full of laugh and tears, different places, adjusting, travelling. kinda crazy.

No new year resolution. It just make me stress. :) But hopefully this year will be colourful, lots of nice surprises. Hope to settle-in more in our new house and surrounding. Hope to find good new friends, and hope to be a better mum and wife to my boys.

One thing I don't feel doing at the moment is travelling. Even a short time for holiday. I don't think I can handle another hassle of packing, unpacking, and adjusting for the little boy especially. Just toooo much!

At the moment I am in a mission in making Evan to talk, and try hard to make time for myself. May God help me :)