Saturday, September 12, 2009

shoes story

It was a wet, windy, grey misserable day yesterday. perfect day to snuggle up in bed or just stay at home. But we went out becoz we need to. Somehow Evan wasn't in the mood either. Went in and out furniture and home shops, get in and out the car, strapped in the stroller and car seat all day didn't impress him at all. Bad weather added it all. At home, we realised we lost one of his shoe, one sock, and one dummy. It was only a 4 weeks old shoes, that is. And this is not the first time.

I don't know what's with him and footware. He likes to play with them so much. Not only his shoes. Any shoes. He knows it should go into feet. He would bring my shoes in front of my feet ask me to wear it if he knows i dressed up to go out. But there's no way we leave any kind of footware seen and unattended on the floor. He will go straight to them, and play its laces, or hold and drag them around the house, or put his toys inside them. The most annoying is when he started to take off his shoes when we are out. it's been going on since he was 6 month-old. He is 1 year and 5 months now, still looking at footware as an interesting object. However, it's much better now as he is no longer chewing them. Good side, it can keep him occupied at least for 10 minutes. :)

Friday, September 11, 2009


Last week was a big week for us. That was when we finally landed in WA, a place we planned to live in hopefully indefinetely. We were agreed it's the time to settle in one place, and so it means the time to own a house. So the new experience of looking houses to buy began. We've done some research over the internet in the last 5 months and decided on location, what kind of house we wanted. We started to look houses on day 2 after we got here. After looking around 10 houses, we were both fall in love only on 1 house. On day 5 we decided to put an offer and it accepted the next day. And that's it. We bought a house!

Does it sound easy? I heard it took months for peope to find a house they really like. I still not believe myself. But I guess everything in our live pretty much happened just like that. I just hope it was a right decision.

Can't wait to move in to the new house. But of course we have to wait for banking, paperworks, legal, and any other stuff before we move in. It might takes a month, maybe less, can be more. I just need to be patient.

I get mix feeling about this. Happy that we finally got a house, a home of our own. Excited to make up the house, shop for the house, and be the queen in it. And in the other hand also feel uneasy to commit on having a long-term credit, something i never have or done before. I'm kind of person who always pay-off credit bills. I don't like to have debt and pay interest. But to get a big thing like house we have no choice, like many other people but take a mortgage. Days ahead might be a survival, but we'll just take it easy. Enjoy the new town, new lifestyle, and the house with the boys, that's all I will do.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


yeah, just to say hello to make sure i'm still alive. :) live has been once again rolling up-side down here and there like a roller coaster since we move from amman in june. We are now still living in our suitcases with limited internet connection. So many words to tell but have to wait. Our 2 months 'supposed to be' holiday in jakarta and gresford has ended. Only 3 of us again now, in a very new place, that we hope to finally be call a home. New chapter of our lives has begun. more stories to come for sure.