Sunday, August 30, 2009

On The Move

it's finally the time to move again! After 2 years n 2 months full of adventure, we are now have to be ready for the bigger challenge in our lives. Have to say that i enjoyed the posting, its lifestyle, and culture. What i treasure the most was the sincere friendship and knowledge about life from friends i met there. Dont forget i had the biggest change in my life by having my first son during that period. it was all overwhelming as well as a great experience in overall. I felt very lucky.

It's official that we are living in suitcases since we moved from our apt in amman in mid june. departed jordan on the 3/7, we flew for 18 hours to jakarta. Business class flight from amman to abu dhabi went well. Evan had lots of fun. The hassle started after 6 hour transit and when we finally got in to the plane at 3.30am. we r all very tired. very dissapointed with seating model and arrangement of the business class of the airlines we flew with. It was way not comfortable especially if travel with infant. Anyway, we arrived jakarta safe and sound. I was tired, my back sore, but happy to land on the place i know.

Jakarta oh jakarta... How i miss this poluted city. my last visit was 2 years ago. I thought it didnt change much, but as i went along i noticed all the changes which sometimes surprised me. Evan was of course the centre of attention everywhere we went. He enjoyed that so much, i believed. Our plan to go to jogja, puncak, and anyer were cancelled. Too hard with and without the bub. so we made lots of trips only to the malls in town. The bad news was that evan got sick, the first time in his life. jakarta germs might be too strong for him. But he certainly had fun too and get better few days before we flew to sydney. the highlight of this trip was that we got to get together for my mum's 60th birthday and had the family photo session together. the high school reunion i attended was also a great fun.

Trip to jakarta has never been long enough. despite of the heat and evan's sickness, i always love the town n the people i know. After 3 weeks spoilt by my mum, it's the time to go to the kangaroo land. We spent another 4 weeks in hunter valley, nsw, where evan saw and walk on the grass for the first time. :) the flight was ok, we had a little problem with lugage though. we have so many bags! Anyway, again, we didnt do much there but enjoying the fresh country air, the stars, and silence. We had fun catching up with families and prepare few things for our final move to WA.

early september we finally landed in perth. I realised we are really on our own now. Our long holiday has finished, and new adventure is ahead, hopefully a great one.