Saturday, April 26, 2008

Up Close and Personal

"Hello again !

I'm 2 weeks old today and just had drink and sponge bath.
I feel fresh and content now :)

Today I had my first trip out to doctor.
She said I'm in a good shape and health, and weight 4.2 kg.
I don't really like to go to doctor, she examine everything from top to toe. It irritates me. But I like to get out, have a bit of sun and a car ride. Daddy has to take me out more often !

I got a feeling that mum will post more pictures of me from time to time from now on whenever she has time. (She likes to show off, you know?!)"

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back Home

The day has finally come, and we finally made it home yesterday after 2 days stay in the hospital. Our little bundle of joy, Evan Ellis Richards was born on schedule, 12 April 2008, at 9.20 am. He weight 3.987kg, 55 cm tall. He is a healthy and big baby.

We are now at home with the new precious member in the family. Would be helpful if we could have someone to help us around, but at the moment, it's only 3 of us. Luckily Hubby can have leave from work for 2 weeks. He's been very very helpful, patient, and understanding, while I am still suffering from the pain of the c-sec's wound, tiredness, headace, and engorged breasts problem. Can't ask for more!

We are now have to face the sleepless nights and days, have fun changing dirty nappies, get surprise 'spray' few times, and learn the baby's pattern and habits, etc.

I would love to update and tell about all the fun we have with little Evan, but I can't promise if I can post as often as before. For now, i’ll just end this entry with pictures of him from first and second day we were at the hospital.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Shocking Hair

I wasn't sure what get into me that day, I walked down to my usual salon, and asked for hair cut. The hair dresser asked how do I want my hair done. "I would like to cut my hair short this time" slipped out from my mouth. I went to the same salon few times and the hair dresser knows that I want to have short hair but he said to do it bit by bit so it won't be too drastic. But yesterday he said, "ok, this might be a good time!" Hah...

So here I am, having short hair, again. Rather shocking, since I had long hair for more than 6 years with almost same model. More shocking for Hubby, but he don't mind. :) With my weight now, think I look more chubby with short hair. But it feel lighter on my head, doesn't need lots of maintenance, and simple. So it should be more practical with the junior coming. However, I still have to get used to look at myself with this kind of hair in the mirror. Kinda weird!
Here the latest pic, taken in the nursery. ;p

Friday, April 4, 2008

Counting Down

I'm in my last week of my 3rd trimester and in a counting down mode!

As far as I feel sooo heavy and uncomfortable, and glad the bub will pop out soon, I still can't believe it's about the time. It feels just a few days ago when I found out that I'm expecting.

At the doctor visit on Thursday, he said it can be happening anytime this week due to the position of the baby and the braxton hicks contraction I felt everyday in the last few days. He asked the methods of the delivery I want. He explained that considering the size of the baby and 'other' medical reason I have, it might be wiser to have c-section, which then I and hubby agreed. He then gave us admission letter and schedule date for the big day, which will be 12th of April. He said I should be resting a lot, and to call him anytime this week as it might be happening earlier (*gosh!*). I and hubby was surprised to hear that.

To just sitting around and rest, is a bit hard. There are always plenty things to do around the house, and of course few invitation and things to do outside the house are awaiting. And all of them at least will require me to drive and walk! Hubby of course happy to help without question, but I can't be dependent on him on everything as he will be busy at work, which I completely understand. But for sure I need to slow down, and not to force myself.

My energy level is slowly going down because of the weight I carry in my tummy. Walking and standing too long is not recommended, besides, it does difficult and hurt when I did. By far, doctor predicted the bub is a big baby (about 3.6 kg on Thursday). I've gained 17 kg! Can you imagine? The heavier I've ever been! But I have to say during my pregnancy my immune system is a lot better. I guess that's because of the prenatal vitamin that I take regularly and healthier lifestyle that I have and all healthy snacks that I eat. I caught flu only once in the last 9 months, but I've survived the last round of fall/winter/spring germ fest without being sick.

How am I feeling now? I guess it's a mix between scared, nervous, and excited. The c-section plan sounds big. I understand it's a big operation, that makes me nervous. However, I know lot of people have gone through this and survived well, besides I like to be organised, and by having c-section I got an exact date so I can prepare myself and everything (hopefully) ready in time. It give me a bit of relieve and relax feeling. Everything will be up in the air if I have a normal delivery, don't know when it going to happen, and I'll be waiting and waiting, and might make me more nervous.

Since the beginning of last week, I'm pampering myself with the treatment I don't usually have. I went pedicure, manicure, had warm jacuzzi baths, had a hair treatment and hair cut (I have a shocking short hair cut now!), stop reading book and information about baby and pregnancy, watch funny movies, playing computer games, and enjoy preparing the nursery and hospital bag.

Little junior who are now moving and kicking in my tummy will be coming into the world soon. I and hubby can't wait for the big day.