Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Bad, Good, Great

Finally..... I can log in to blogger! I don't know what happened with my internet connection, but it's been very hard to log into Blogger and browsing Youtube. Also have trouble in opening some websites like Baby Centre and BBC, and some blogs which are hosted by blogger. Or if could get in to Blogger, I could not save my posting or upload photos. Soooooo frustrating. Made five calls to the internet provider to complain, but got nothing but conclusion that they have no problem with my internet connection.

And that's one reason why I haven't been blogging lately.

The other reason is that I was busy. I have things to do almost everyday that forced me to go out and spent times with friends and new people and had a blast of Indonesian food! I had class and project to do a home, had some things to prepare and to researched for application, had to find and book some things for the coming plan holiday, went to International Bazaar where hubby busy voluntering at the Australian lam burger stand, and I was only busy strolling along and eat bakso and sate from Indonesian food stand, and got invited to the meeting of Ibu-ibu Dharma Wanita of the Indo Embassy. They usually get together every month and have cake/craft demonstration and arisan! I think I was expected to join the arisan too. But at the time I went there, they have a feast to celebrate Eid. O... My... God.... the food....for people who live far away from home town like me, eating authentic food was something luxurious, especially if it's free :D. Started from martabak telor and krupuk rengginang, followed by main course: lodeh, ayam goreng, dendeng balado, teri goreng kacang dan pete (yes, pete!!!!), and sambel goreng cumi. All made by ibu-ibu, and all taste great. Just perfect. Yuuum...! I made sound very norak, but I that's what I felt! Tasting real Indo food again was soooo....greeeat! Anyhoo, it's nice to know there's bunch of Indonesian here, and they are all nice and helpful. I got to know some new people, but the important thing, I know what to get the food if i really want to get one, especially the difficult one like lontong and bakso. Someone has apparently can cook it for us. :D And the other day I got invited to a my indo friend's 1 year old son birthday party, and had another indo food feast, and ended up bring home sambel goreng teri and emping, and couple of teh tong tji. I felt sorry for hubby who has been left out for quite a while. But he seems didn't mind hot dog and sandwiches for munchies in a few nights.

Basically I felt more energetic lately and don't have to take a nap anymore. But at the end of the week I felt pain around my lower abdomen so I had to see my Obgyn. He said everythings looks ok, the twinges pain may caused by the grow of the baby which make the uterus expanded so much that the ligaments in my abdomen are stretching to make room for it. But he suggest me to have lot of rest and reduce activity outside the house! Gosh,... but I have so much plan and need to do so much things. Not good, especially when I just gained my energy back and feel like going out a lot and go back to my favorite place,... Malls. (*hiks*). I reach week 16 today, that means I just enter the 2nd trisemester. So far I can still wear my usual clothes. Wearing maternity clothes are more comfortable but they are still a bit too big. By the sound of what doctor said, seems I am going to need maternity clothes soon.

I guess I better have a rest in the next few days to gather all the energy and health for the coming holiday.