Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spoiled Girl

It's been a month. What did I do all this time in Jakarta?? Many!

As you well aware, of course I switched myself from strolling along the beach and market in Darwin to malls and malls and malls in Jakarta, with high heels sandals instead of running shoes.
Switched from eating Western food to Indonesian food, meaning : rice and any sort of chili for every meal, including for breakfast. Mum spoiled me by cooking and buying me all my fave food. That is not included with the food I bought from the side of the road (warung). Yuuum..... No stomach ache so far. But I feel soooo fat now. Gosh...

Switched from being passenger in the car to a driver. I did not think I will be able to drive in Jakarta again. But actually,... no problemo at all! Started to drive again on the first day I arrived Jakarta.

Catch up with friends, spent times with family, shopped, and ate, were basically what I did in whole 1 month. ;p

Be back to Darwin in three days. More stories and photos to come.