Thursday, November 30, 2006

Full Bag

What's inside of my handbag today

It's not too fancy nor expensive, but I love it. It's a right 'doraemon' size bag (read: can find almost everything in it). It has separations (read: easy to find things in it) and has neutral colour, so I don't have to worry to match it up with the colour of my clothes everyday. Make my life easier!

It's a must to have my normal 'money' wallet, small 'card' wallet, mobile phone, keys and 'puffer' (yes, i'm an asthmatic girl) with me, every time, everywhere... Besides that, I like to bring things that have a power to comfort me. So, even though it may not be useful or necessary, i would bring it anyway. It's a bit silly, but i guessed i followed old Indonesian people who often says "Sedia Payung Sebelum Hujan". .... :D - (get ready with your umbrella before it rains - simply means: Be prepared !) and so that's why I like big bag :)

As you can see, I had my cosmetic mini bag (it has panty liner and face compact powder inside), 'minus' glasses case (glasses inside) underneath it, ipod, a book I currently read, a lipstic, a lipgloss, an eyeliner, and a blush on (notes: I rarely add my blush on or eyeliner at work). I also had my work ID card, a pack of candies, perfume, body spray, a pack of tissue, camera case, and a trendy 70's model sunnies. What you can't see is I actually have a lot of receipts and shopping lists inside the bag :) What a girly-not too carrier woman bag, hey?!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Another Celebration

November is such an important month for me and Andrew. It’s the busiest of the year... celebrating us getting older.... :)

After celebrating our birthdays few days ago, its time for another one,... Wedding Anniversary! Yes,…it’s been a year! I still remember all the tense, the stress, the sweet, and happy moments on the same day last year. Time has flies.. so quick! It also been a wonderful year with lot of love, fun and happiness, as well as a challenging year for us. Moving out, moving in, journey, trip, changes, etc. May I call this first as a time for us to settle in, to adjust to each other, to get to know each other better, to accept each other’s weaknesses, enjoyed each other companion and take pleasure in each other strength. Would be a lie if I said we never have our head bumped to each other. But I think we've made it good so far, hey?

Last year will become precious memories as we’ve made it together. Wish to have many wonderful years ahead and some more adventures together in the future.

Oh,.. and it is the time to enjoy the wedding cake, (again)! We had 3 storey wedding cake on our wedding. It's an old tradition of saving a piece of wedding cake, which that some couples, including us still hold to today. The custom is said that it was a sign of wealth for a couple to freeze the top portion of their wedding cake, thaw it out and eat it on their first anniversary. So that we kept the top portion of our wedding cake all these time. It was placed in a sealed box and been travelling with us all along. I dont know how it managed, but it survived during the movement and has been stored in the freezer most of the time. Here is the pic. I took it today. Some of the flowers were broken, but it still look lovely, isn't it?

Felt sooo bad to take all the decoration and icing. But I have to! I don't think the cake can wait any longer. It is a fruit cake, and has lot of rum, which could be a good preservative. Most cakes don't freeze well for long periods of time, but this one has been prepared with a freezer-safe layer that will last the year in the freezer. It might be still in a good condition, or might be not. Anyhoo, I finally managed to cut it. See the pic... By the look and smell of it, i think it's still eatable :) And we ate it. No tummy ache, and still Yum!. Who want some ??

Friday, November 17, 2006

Forever Young

Ouch, I'm getting 1 year older today! What's wrong with getting older? hmmm.... actually, it scared me a bit.

Same as many other people, I wish I could be 'forever' young! :) Life seems much easier when we were young. No need to worry about anything. Only worry about studies, and the rest is about fun, fun, and fun :)

I just recently noticed that I can easily get along well with people under my age. Some people did not believe if I am that old. I wonder if it was that because acted like twenty?? Or because don't look like mature enough? Was that because the way I dressed? But.... It doesn't matter if I acted as a child or adult.

I am who I am.
Be a good wife, good employee, good daughter to my parents and in-laws, good sisters, and good person to friends and everyone surround me. Enjoy life, Love, Laugh, be Happy, be Healthy, Pray and Praise.

It's been a wonderful life, i'm grateful for what I am and what I have.
I just simply want to be a better human....

Notes: Today I was still quite sick. Off from work, stay at home all day, did not do anything much. It was pelting down this morning, the first heavy rain in the wet season. Was such a gloomy, cloudy, and cool day. Perfect day for a b'day 'sick' princie. :)
Anyway, I felt better in the evening, and Andrew took me to a Thailicious for dinner. It was such a lovely place. We sat on the mat and cushions, surrounded by Thai's ornaments and statues. The food was also not disappointing at all. All good, including the price. We definitely will go back there :)

Thank you for the birthday wishes (and presents), everyone :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Flu Strikes Again

Feverish, nauseous, bad headache (I mean very bad), cough, runny nose, sore throat, and weak, that's what I've been suffering in the last 3 days.

Doctor, antibiotics, panadols, lot of fluids, lot of rest, lot of tissues, and lot of TLC (from hubby-of course), that's what I need. ;p

Hope to get back to work tomorrow after not being able to go for 2 days.

I just changed the template again, btw. I think this one looks better... Ok, enough browsing, chatting, and blogging. Feel bit dizzy again. Time to have tablets and snooze.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hubby Birthday

myspace codes

Happy birthday, babe!

Yep, today is Andrew's birthday. I only had small things and card for him. I handed them to him when he woke up. We agreed to have a lazy and (may be) shopping day today.

So I went back to sleep :) About noon, we went to the church to lit candles and prayed. Had lunch at chinese restaurant in town after that, and of course we had noodle. This time we also had yummy yum cha. Then shopping time!.... Andrew got few clothes, boxer shorts and formal shoes. He is happy like a little happy boy. :) Happy for you too, sayang! ;p