Thursday, October 6, 2011

up up to the sky

Went to the park today with Evan, and had fun on the community's Health exhibition/promotion there. Evan had a ride in a little ambulance car, play ball and got stickers, had lots of goodies, and sit down on the grass watching people singing and dancing. He got the balloon from there too.

The idea of this shot was a tribute for the late Steve Jobs, who passed away yesterday. The 'apple' world was mourning. RIP, Mr Jobs.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

looking up...

and you'll be surprise what you find. Another one I spotted when walking home from work today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dinner tonight

Pasta bake with mince beef and carrot. Made by me. :)

Monday, October 3, 2011


I walk quite a lot lately because our car was broken. Thank God we are living in the small island, and all places are easily to reach - they are all walking distance. I don't mind walking. I just hate the strong wind that mess my hair and head, and the scorching sun that burn my skin. But by walking, I become healthier. I can also can spotted things that I can't see when I am driving. I can stop walking whenever I wanted, I can point and shoot with whatever style, whenever I like.

So all about balance.

Here is one of the shot when I walked home from work.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

the wooden track

The famous wooden Thomas track we finally got for Evan. Couldn't believe how difficult to get this, and how pricey they are. But all paid offby the expression and reaction of Evan when he saw it. That's all he ever wanted in the last 2 months, and he was thrilled in excitement. Aah.... we are all happy when the boy is happy. :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Annoying Day

Another month has gone. On the first day of October, I went to the one and only salon in the island and had my hair coloured and cut. Quite satisfied with the colour - at least all of the greys gone, but totally not happy with the cut. Irritated and annoyed all day - and probably in the next 2 months (*grrrrrr*).....

Not really good to start the month (*sigh*).