Sunday, July 31, 2011

the house

it might not look nice from the front. But believe me, it's nice and cozy inside. We were busy unpacking, trying to take out the boxes out of our sight and make the house tidy. But ended up look more messy as things out from the box are now everywhere. (*sigh)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

one of the ornament we found

unpacking day today. Exhausted! Btw, this is one of the ornament we love and we will never leave behind.

Friday, July 29, 2011

another day to wash

life as a house wife :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

the boy among the boxes

Boxes boxes boxes everywhere!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

main bedroom

still in a mess

Monday, July 25, 2011

moving in day

when they finally unloaded our stuff from the container into the house.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hello bue container !

Hello again, blue container! Last time I saw you was in front of our house in Perth! It is now sitting just across the road from the house we gonna live in, waiting for people to unloaded our stuff on Monday. Can't wait!

Become an islander

Day 6 in the island. I am officially an islander! Almost fade up with the temporary accomodation, which nothing than give me allergy reaction from all the dust and rotten yucky smell. I couldn't stop sneezing!

Evan had a strange allergy reaction from who knows what. His right eyelid got red and swollen. It didn't bother him much, seemed it didn't hurt or itchy, but it slowly got bigger in 2 days, he only could have his eye half open on Friday. We had to take him to doctor. After a few doze of phenergan (which didn't make him drowsy at all !!) the swollen slowly gone away, but the red stayed. Hopefully it'll completely go away by days.

There's not much to see here. The beach is not as pleasant as beach in Perth, they are not beaches to play and swim. It's no doubt beautiful scenery, but it's not sandy, there might be crocodiles around, and the sea smell like raw salty fish.! Unfortunate we are surrounded by it.

There's only one main street, which has all shops n places you need, eq: clinic, chemist, bank, government n cultural centre, supermakets, cafe, shops, churches, etc. Thank God for people who own/run the cafe in the cultural centre. The only civilize place i found so far. Nice tropical setting and atmosphere, clean, good food, cool music (cafe del mar/budha bar), playground for children, and most of all: free wifi!! I went there everyday for lunch since i arrived!! Except today, sunday. Because it's closed. I met and talked to a few ladies already in there. I guess people like to know other people and they are more friendly in this island.

I am now sitting on the floor, in the empty house where we gonna live, alone. The boys are napping in the temporary house. The big blue container full of our stuff sits across the road since friday. Tomorrow people will come to take out (hopefully) everything from the container, so i need to do bit of cleaning. Thankfully this house is nice n clean. The veranda is overlooking to the sea.

I missed my house, beach, park, shops, and everything we left in perth. But hope by moving to the new house, surrounded by our furniture n stuff will make me feel hommie n better.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

first sunset

First view of sunset in the island. Am sure will be many more to come :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

the shore

I got the feeling this will be my daily - normal scene.... which probably will be hard to complain about :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I say : Yes!

very pleased with this place. A cafe with good (but pricey) food, nice warm tropical atmosphere, cool music (Cafe Del Mar), and free wifi!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

where i stand

On the verandah in the temporary house. Can not wait to move in to our own place!!

Saying a very Happy Birthday to my mum!! Wishing you health and happiness, lots of love from us :) Sorry I couldn't call. But i'll make simple noodle dish tonight! :) :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trip to the island

After a long day i and evan were finally arrived in thursday island. The island we gonna live for at least two years. Quite amazingly i and evan were on a taxi, a plane, a bus, a boat, and a truck in one day!! 

The details are, we took a taxi from serviced apartment in cairns to the airport, as we had to check out by 10am, we got into the airport early, which make easier for the check in and bag drop. But then evan was too bored and tired after waiting for 3 hours in the airport. He was excited when we finally got into the plane. The overtired boy could not sleep n wanted all my attention the whole flight. Good it was only 2 hours flight to horn island. Andrew was  waiting in the smallest airport i've ever seen, in horn island, that is! We were then taken to the harbour by bus with our luggage. Then we hopped on a boat that took us to thursday island. Evan was super excited. He was happy to see his dad, went on his favourite vehicle: bus, and got on a boat! He didn't stop chatter away. After about 5 minutes boat ride, we finally arrived in Thursday island! We then got into andrew's business car, which actually a 4 wheels car with a Space at the back, so we call it a truck. :)

We were welcomed by shower and rainbow, which was beautiful. I wish our temporary accomodation was as nice as the look of the rainbow. But nothing's perfect. Until our stuff from perth arrive, we have to live in a house with limited facility, that's mean no washing machine, one queen bed for 3 of us, no tv, no internet n wifi !! *crying, screaming* that would be for 6 days! Only God knows if i can survive. 

Good news is the house we going to live in is quite nice n clean We had a quick look at the only childcare in town, and happy  with it. 

It's very small town, and it might be not my cup of tea. But as long as  we are together as a family, that's all the matter. 

Looking forward to move to our house next week, and hoping the best will come from our island experience. 

Goodbye mainland, good bye Cairns

Started the new adventure, flying to Horn Island. We passed Thursday Island... that's it down there! Pretty amazing. Supposed I can see the house I'm gonna live in from up there.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Last Day in Cairns

Went for last minute shopping in the mall and pack pack pack....

This is the view from our apartment window in Cairns. Not a very good view...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wildlife Dome Cairns

It's Sunday, and I finally need to do something else then going to the mall across the street. So we walked to the Casino, to get into the wildlife dome at the top of the Casino,which turned out very good and entertaining.

Evan was super tired on the way back so we had to stop at the Hog's breath cafe for big lunch.

Happy boy, happy tummy

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Great barrier reef this way

walked to the playground.... again. I wished I could go to Great barrier reef which just a few km away and snorkeling away among fish.

Friday, July 15, 2011

When he grow up

We had a little talk on the bed and i said "my back is hurt from carrying you today, would you mind to massage my back?" he gave me little massage on my shoulder. I pointed my lower back that really sore, evan's little fingers moved to the pointed spot. He said, "go doctor, mommy, show doctor it hurts!"
I said, "its late, doctor's closed, but i feel better now from the massage, thank you, evan"
He was then looked happy and said "me doctor!" - which probably meaning i am doctor, can make mommy get better! 
He then massage my arm and said, "u happy now?" and i said, "yes, thank you!" 
He bounced smiling happily and said, "show daddy me doctor!" - which mean tell daddy i am a doctor! 
I asked if he wants to be a doctor when he grow up, and he nodded. 
Then he kept saying, "me doctor, mom" until he fell asleep.... 

A doctor? I wish your wishes come true, my boy! 

Another day in Cairns

Another day spent in the Mall. This time I got him into the child mending for 1 hour, and I got my flash quick pamper. Shop for some knick knack then had my hair cut. A Japanese girl cut my hair. Innocently she said to me, "your hair is not balance".... I answered truthfully "that's because I trimmed it myself! :D and your job to fix it now" She laughed her heart out!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Play slide

We went to the playground today, then, of course Mall again. Evan met a cute Japanese little girl, who knows what he was saying to her. :D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

4th day in Cairns

Spent the half day in the Esplanade, then had a quick visit to Asian groceries store and quick tour around the city with big Mel.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Movie

First movie for Evan. The first movie for me after 3,5 years!!

It was Kungfu Panda 2.

I was all packed with snacks and lollie pops my bag, in case he bored and wanted to get out the cinema before the movie finish.

I told him what to expect in the cinema, that it would be a very big screen, loud sound, dark, not allowed to scream, not allowed to kick the front seat, and no jumping or standing on the seat. But he was still excited to see Panda. So all good.

We went in and he was still excited. He sat down and looked around and didn't stop talking. The add and movie trailers started. After 10 minutes, he started to asked for lollie, so I gave one. He sat down quietly watching.

The movie now started, he was quiet entertained for about 15 minutes. Then bored. Wanted snacks, wanted to sit with me, wanted to see people at the back, and kicked the front seat (lucky no one sit on the row seat in front of us!).

After about 1 hour. he started wanted to step out the seat. I kept saying there's a crocodile down there. (*sigh) He munched his snacks, had 2 lollies, and the movie still went on.

He sat down, then he stand, sometimes looked at the screen, sometimes bored. The story is too heavy for him. He likes the panda, he laughed when panda made silly move, and that's it. He wasn't interested in the fight, in other animals/characters, and of course didn't care about the story.

But I intended to sit there until the movie finished. And finally we did it! We survived one movie. Tiring. :D

Monday, July 11, 2011

2nd day in Cairns

Spent half day across the road : MALL !!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Goodbye Sydney

Holiday was over, we are flying to Cairns

Saturday, July 9, 2011

the famous tractor

Rode by all the boys in the family ! :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

hunting day

06072011 - hunting day, originally uploaded by nencee.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Goodbye Perth !

We were flying to Sydney, to have 1 week holiday at hubby's parents house.

Last night in perth

Last night evan cough a lot. And today he coughed lot more. I managed to have lunch with winda n met hubby's colleagues and friends at his farewell lunch in his office, which was good. 

But evan didn't look good at all, he basically didn't stop coughing, had short breath, and threw up couple times. And we have to wake up at 5am tomorrow morning to catch the flight! 

After dinner we decided to take him to children hospital and thankfully got a proper and quick treatment for his cough n breath. Another long n tiring day, but i'm glad Evan looked better n he got medicines to take. We got back to the apt about 10.30 n had to do some packing too! Soooooo tireeed..... (*sigh*) 

Friday, July 1, 2011

the night before fly out Perth

@ St Margareth children hospital, Perth. Look how tired I was! Was totally exhausted that night. :(

All packed

Now evan is sleeping at the back of the car, snorring. Poor thing, he was busy bossing around one of the removalist guy that he chose to call him 'man'. He followed this man everywhere n insisted to call him man eventhough he knew his name is john. So evan would say 'hey man, pick the box!' 'where is man?' 'slowly, man' ' carefull, man!' etc etc 

We were all tired. It was wet rainy gloomy day today. Made the move a bit slow, but about 4pm finally everything's packed in 2 big containers. 

The weather so gloomy, made me more gloomy and sad when we really have to leave the house. Who knows when i can see the house again, who knows where the future will bring us. 

Cant believe we are moving again, but we are. We are going to have 2 night sleeps in a serviced apartment in perth city just accross the road from hubby's office. Then we are going to have a week holiday at hubby's parents before we start our new journey.