Saturday, April 30, 2011

The bride

The world thrilled with happiness and excitement on the day of the great royal wedding of the two young-handsome and beautiful couple. I'm sure will be remembered the whole time. I'm glad I witnessed one of the historical moment in the british royal history.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Little of Me time

Had a little bit of me time, had cuppa of tea and cake, and watch an award winning blockbuster movie, blackswan. It was sad, dark, intense, and depressing - highly recommended. Love the Portman's acting!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finally the sun emerged

Been gloomy and cloudy all day. This was taken around 5pm on my way to pick Evan from the childcare.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Got to Start!

Omg!! I miss writing ! It feels like years since i wrote something worth reading! Been a long time since i poured my heart to the world !

Life been busy, like always. But my recent addiction to this tiny apps on the ipod is not helping at all. Yes, Instagram, has taken almost all of my spare time, which we are all now, I have not much spare time.

It invades my life just like that. From morning till i lay down in bed again at night. I took pictures whenever - wherever i go, obsessed to get magical n amazing shots, uploaded and edited them (this take up most of the time), posted them, checked the likes, replied comments, checked other people feeds, likes them, commented on their post, and so on and so on, ....... never ending. Pheeuwwhhh...

In the other hand and perspective, hubby doesn't mind if it keeps me feel happy. And I do look happier, he said. I didn't really care much and stress about house chores, which is good for him :D How amazing is it ?!

Mind you I'm not too popular in instagram world. I meant I don't have thousands of follower or get more than 200 likes every time. I just like to take picture, share, and maybe curious of what people might think. Just for fun.

However, though, I realize there's lot of other thing need to be done. I didn't do much since I got back from my 6 weeks holiday in Jakarta. I need to go back in the right track. It's like go back to my book, my crochet, my blog, concentrate on things to do for moving out and the most important thing is make an effort to toilet training my boy!! Its been delayed, not only because he doesn't show that he is ready, but also maybe I'm not ready too. But it's important that he is off nappy before we move out in july.

So i got to start .. basically, now!!

First thing first : reduce tapping instagram apps on my ipod :(


*cayooo* :D :D

erhhm....btw, here is my instagram feed ;p ;p

used to love this

family time in the mall today.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Anzac Spirit

Anzac spirit is everywhere today,including in Rockingham.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter !

24042011 - Happy Easter !, originally uploaded by nencee.

Easter fest and long weekend almost over, been spoiled with no cooking and hang out outdoor with the boys, which was heaven!

We planned to go to the church this morning,but we are all slept in :( So we missed easter mass this year.

The little boy got a Easter treat from us, though. Easter bunny come and gave him some choc eggs and choc crackles, ah well, Andrew made the crackles ;p

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I see you

Had fun play in the park today with the boys. Nice weather, nice companion. Here is the cutest pictures from today. ;p

Friday, April 22, 2011

glorious autumn day

didn't plan to play in the beach, but the little boy just ran to the water when we got there! We then rushed home, get our beach gear and tools. Glorious day to play in the beach. All tired but happy after that.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sweet lunch, bee?

Not much happening today. It's a Kartini's Day in Indonesia, and it's a last day of a long weekend here. All good.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

sky at 5pm

This is how the sky looked like when I went on the drive to pick Evan up from Childcare. :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

a real tank in the park

In courtesy of ANZAC day. I just realised how big is a real tank is. !

Monday, April 18, 2011

cooking together

He is copying everything I do. :) We had a lot of fun cooking together. Btw, I also bought him a little fake iron, so we could ironing together. :D

Sunday, April 17, 2011

do you see what i see?

found this loyal dog when I rushed to buy tomato paste for hubs. :)

Smiley bee for the boy

Finally we had a little birthday celebration for Evan today. We had a birthday cake "well decorated" (long story about this...), sang happy birthday, blow candle, cut the cakes, and many family photos. Then of course, we had my special birthday noodle for lunch. I still had lot of cough and cold though, not well at all. But the boy was happy. He understood what's birthday now (sort of).... Everybody happy when the boy is happy. :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

big news

Big decision too. Today hubs confirmed he got new job and so we have to move again. It would be hard to move again, especially this time to a remote place. But in the other hand it might be good in many aspects. Hell yeah,... new adventure is near... hopefully a good, happy one.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

painting time

He got better from his sickness. I really like him to start doing art and craft at home. So here he was painting the sun catcher, messily. He sat the for 10 minutes, then happily running around and threw things everywhere again...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

house chores

as the result of being so tired and less sleep, I was then down with the bugs too. Couldn't do house chores for almost a week now, and they are never end... (*sigh*)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Little Boy turned Three

Mr little runny nose turned three today!

Unfortunately he sick the whole night the night before. I didn't had a single second of sleep, and we were all tired and cranky in the morning. We spent the whole day rushing to the doctor, took a chest x-ray, back to doctor, to chemist, etc.

Glad hubs was at home and we were all went through this together.

We managed to buy fried noddle for little birthday lunch.

Evan looked better after nap, and we finally had a birthday present blast for him in the evening.

Happy birthday my dear Evan. Mummy and Daddy are always love you for who you are. May God always bless you through out your life. xoxoxo

Monday, April 11, 2011

gloomy day

was a gloomy day where I had to take little boy to doctor. He was again had cold and cough. We had lunch at the park as the sun was shining a bit. But then the rain started to fall! then we rushed to go to the car, and the rain stopped! Gosh.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

weekend gateaway

Yes, weekend is a weekend gate away for me from the kitchen. Here is chicken and vegies paela fresh from the pan, hubs cooking.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

over the hills we went

Visit a friend in Glen Forrest today. Impressed with the property, but unfortunate the little boy down with the allergy reaction. He was ok in the evening after dose of phenergan. pheuw!

Friday, April 8, 2011

easter is near

It also mean.... that it's near to little boy's birthday.

Super busy day today.Tried to get and organise things for the little boy's birthday next week. Got almost everything that I want. Happy but soooo tired....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rocko Sunset

Hubby took a day off today so I had a chance to do a late shopping in the mall. Very rare. Didn't waste the chance to take sunset scene in front of mall.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bath Buddies

At his age, he is still like to have bath with bubbles and toys. Wonder when it gonna last....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I and Evan

Successfuly made him pose for my 'crazy' photo habit. We were about to go to his speech therapist when we passed the clear mirrored glass window. :)

Too bad the glass is actually spotty! Ah well, doesn't matter, I cherish this pose and moment forever.

btw, Evan speech is need to be trained as he is not talking as clear as children at his age. So we are all working on that now. Hope his speech will be better in the next one or two months.

Monday, April 4, 2011

battle with pororo chopstick

my battle with the boy to use this training chopstick right without success. He did it with his own style, and managed to get some noddles into his mouth with it. After a few attempts, he got bored then continued watching mickey mouse on TV. :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

before autumn

A fine Sunday today. But the little boy was not too well... Here's a little flower for him to wish him well.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

i believe I can fly

Noticed the seagulls will be crazily flying around above our house every day around 5pm!! :)

Friday, April 1, 2011


It’s what I think about when I get up in the morning, while doing chores during the day, and before go to bed. Am I addicted to Instagram?? OH NOOOOO !!!