Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Evan, Happy Me

Evan has been attending "school" for almost a month now. In between, he had to absence twice due to illness. For the first two weeks he held my hands so tight and I had to stay with him a while before I said goodbye and left. Of course then he cried.

The next two weeks he seems started to understand that I was going to leave him there. Although he seemed happy to go to school, never have trouble in getting him inside, he still held my hands tight. I tried to not stay too long. When I said that I need to leave now and will be back and pick him up in the afternoon, he cried, but released my hand!

So he always in tears everytime I left him, which breaks my hearts, even though the teachers said he got easily calmed down. At first I picked him up around 3pm, then gradually longer and longer, and last time I picked him up at 5pm.

But this week, on Tuesday, I took him to the outdoor area where the other children already there and played. He went straight to a ball and kicked it, he wasn't holding my hand! I talked to a teacher for while, then I said to Evan, "bye, Evan".. and surprisingly, he looked at me for one second, then waved bye bye, then ran off to the playground!!!!

Oh my oh my....I amazed!

And it happened again today.

I know that he is happy to be at school now. He must like the place, the teachers, the toys, the acticity, etc. I am very happy to see him happy. His tears might be the cause of me not being too comfortable doing things while he is at school. Deep down in my mind I was a liiiiiitle bit worried about him. Now that I know he is happy there, I am also ready to do other things happily while he is at school as my mind would be a little bit in peace. I have a few plans in mind. ;p
notes: the picture was made in the "school" for Father's Day.


Updating my ambitious project. About 2 weeks ago I finally made more than 25 squares and decided to give a try to attach them. It turned out to be a little of hard work.

Because there are 5 different colour on each squares, there are plenty of yarn tails at the back of each squares, which I had to finish them off, ie: had to use a needle for each tails, brought the yarn's tail in between stitched and cut them off carefully and neatly.

Then to put them in a layout pattern, made sure colour combination are well-matched.

Then attached them one by one using crochet method.

The result actually not too bad. Although it might be too colourful and the colour are not structured. But I think I will continue to make it bigger because I enjoyed making the squares. I become very use to it so don't have to count or worry if the pattern is wrong. I can make it anytime anywhere while watching TV or watching Evan playing. I don't have a dead line, no pressure, and don't have to think much, so it's sort of has a calming effect for me. And it feels good to work with beautiful yarn colours and textures.

Am now had made another 10 squares and many more on the way. :)

Pile of squares

squares ready to be attached

20 squares finally attached