Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Where's Oma?!

nyum nyum... hmmm ...strange... nyum nyum... it sounds like Oma...nyum nyum....
i'm sure it's Oma talking,.... but I only can see mum here ....nyum nyum......

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Mum

My mum went back to Jakarta yesterday evening after spending 2 month here with us. She had no choice than flew across the continent for more than 20 hours to see her first grandson. it was a brave thing to do considering she had to travel alone to a strange country. Arrived on the 19th of May, she suffered a jet lag for 1,5 weeks (*grin*).

It's been a year since the last time I met her, and it's been 3 years since I move from my parents house. I'm happy to finally have family visiting us. Even though we never lost contact, it's hard to explain about my new life style and the way we live here if they are not experience themselves. So it was really nice to have her in our house (I wish dad could come too, but he has business to run - 2 months was to long). It's funny, I hardly talk and do things together while we were in Jakarta. I can't remember when was the last time we went holiday together. Here, we had fun doing things together, catching up and talk about many things, and travel around.

It was only 2 months, but so many things happened. We've gone through a lot of changes especially in the milestone and growth of Evan. His schedule, habit, and skills changed quite fast so that we didn't have time to breathe. Mum help us a lot with that. She loves spending time with Evan, cuddling, carrying and playing with him. We had lot of laugh together. She help me going through the misery of breastfeeding and c-sec wound problem and gave us a few tips and tricks on taking care of Evan. She also help us with some of the house chores like cooking, laundry and iron. And we had a great time travelling out of town a few times.

I am now feel a lot better from the c-sec and have more confidence in taking care Evan. It's been a lot of fun with mum here. I wouldn't know what to do without her. I miss her as soon as she walk out the door. Thanks Mum!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Member Of The Church

Please meet the new member of the church, Christopher Evan Ellis Richards.

Now is time to baptise the bub. It strange... never thought I would have child and baptise him in the far far away land.....

Anyway, we looove to have Evan baptised at Jordan River, where believed was the place where Jesus was baptised by John. Especially while we live here, in this region. It will be a nice special baptism for our bub! But our trip to that place few weeks ago changed our mind. The place was incredibly hot in summer and we had to take long walk to get into the baptism spot. We were all scorched! I had bad headache after. We wanted to get the baptism done before my mum leaves, which was only about 3 more weeks at that time, so we were then consulting our intention to the priest. The arrangement was not difficult at all. We could choose any date as long as it is on weekend usual Mass, and we just need to bring a candle. Based on our condition and situation, the best time to do it was on the 12th of July. It was just an coincidence that it would be a day before my mum is leaving to Jakarta, and a day when Evan turn 3 month old.

Evan was the only baby who was baptised on that day, and that was his second time visiting Church. The first time was the week before and it was a drama. He was so tired but couldn't sleep. So he cried and cried. I had to carry him the whole Mass (*sigh*). On the big day, he was a cranky boy the whole morning. The mass started at 5pm, made us worried if he is going to behave in the church. I had a bit of flu and the weather was very hot. We were all thinking he might catch my flu too, so we gave him small doze of panadol. He then able to sleep about 45 minutes before we hit the Church. By surprise, he was such an angel in the church. He behave, no cry, no cranky the whole mass. Not sure if he was very tired from kicking and crying the whole day or it was panadol working.

The mass/ceremony went well. Evan baptised with his Oma and Opa as his Godparents, and using Christopher as baptised name. Few friends came to the Mass and lots of people congratulate him and said how nice and behave he was. He looked a bit girly in her white clothing, but he looked cute and that's the only suitable clothes we could find in such a short time. We are all glad it's been done, and now our job as parents to be the first teacher to teach and raise him in the practice of the faith by what our say and do. Such a hard job, but we'll get there.

click on the pic to get closer look.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gain No More

I was very happy to realise that I lost 12 kg within 2 weeks after given birth. I thought would be easy and fast to loose another 5 kg to get to my normal weight and shape. Alas that was it. No more weight lost! (*hiks*) Very slow recovery from c-sec and no more breastfeeding might be the cause.

It's been almost 3 months now but I still can't wear my old clothes. They are all look sooo tiny now (*sob sob*). I desperately need new wardrobe! To make it worse, today I found out that I gain 2 kg!

Oh, dear.... I need diet and lots and lots of exercise!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Attempt

Let me fly, let me fly!

First Barbell

don't disturb. I'm busy exercising with my new barbell.
one.. two... one... two....

Jagoan Ngempeng

summer is here. The day can be very hot sometimes. But I like summer clothing. I can move more freely and show my muscly arms in them:)