Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Day for Every Mum

"Happy first mother's day" ... appeared as a message on my mobile phone yesterday.

Waaaw.....! I almost forgot that I am now a mum! I am not used to my new status yet. Same thing 2,5 years ago when I had to get use to word "husband and wife".

Mother's day used to be like any other usual day for us. Nothing special. So I was surprise to get a couple message of mother's day yesterday, including special greeting from Hubby. :)

Happy mother's day to my mum in Jakarta, and every mum in the world :)

Happy One Month

I am 1 month old today! Yay!

Mum and dad said I slept for 6 hours last night.
They looked very happy when he said that.
So maybe I should do it more often.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Best Wishes

As kids we used to have fun, play and fight as much as we could
As teenagers we used to share room and thoughts, and fight
As adults we were busy with our own things,
have different ideas and interest in many things

now we are living in different place, doing different things
we have less chat, less sharing, also less fight.

but our thought are still meet each other
missing her, loving her,
my sister

who had finally went to a new step in her life yesterday

I wish I were there on her wedding day
Wishing them both a lifetime of everlasting love and happiness.
till we meet again

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Friday, May 2, 2008


"what are you talking about, Mum? u r confusing me"

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Blues

Not sure if I have a mild postnatal blues. But it's hard. Especially this week when Hubby back to work and I'm home only with Evan and a maid (sometimes) with really, no improvement in recovering from c-sec. Moreover i gained more pain here and there as part of the postnatal reaction. Started to get frustrated and tired, and feel like wanting everything back normal as before. I read about symptoms of postnatal depression, and realised that I actually has at least 5 symptoms out of 9 from the list. Feeling down, 'miserable' and tearful for no apparent reason, unable to enjoy new life and myself, Irritable and have no energy, and feelings tired, worthless and hopeless.

It's not the baby. Evan is a good and healthy baby. He broke my heart and always made me smile with all of his funny face expressions. It's me, my own health and condition may made me feel like that. Little bit worrying....but I am now OK and sane enough (*grin*). Just need to get better and pain free.

It's hard to be a mum! It's all I can say!